TSR XIX: Date?

521 24 5

== Joshua Hong ==

Seeing April again feels great. I also wanted to ask a lot of things from her. Like does she know where Yanika is, her best friend? Does she even know that she has a family now? That she has adorable twins? But I don't want to make myself ask because she knows Yanika better than I knew her.

We were peacefully traveling to our new home. "That freak is pestering me again," she pouted when her phone began buzzing like crazy.

For sure, it was Cheol who's getting her attention again. I just laughed at it because it's super normal for those two to argue like kids and pissed each other off. "What did he say?" I asked after she finished typing on her phone.

"He asked if I am okay or where I am. What is he? My dad?" she's not reckless. She just says whatever she want to say and expressed it freely. April tells me everything comfortably and I appreciate that because she trusts me.

"See. I told you," I began teasing her and she just scoffed at me and pouted.

"Stop that," she was annoyed. We reached home and I immediately open the doors for her. We saw Cheol, Hoshi, Seungkwan, Vernon and Jun in the living area. Jeonghan and Dokyeom were in the dining, some were in the garden and the rest were still sleeping.

Looks like, they haven't eaten breakfast.

They all got excited to see April again especially Cheol who looks so anxious right now.

"Noona!" Seungkwan exclaimed. Just like always, hugs and cheek-to-cheek kisses then I just went in the kitchen to drink some water.

I left April in there because I know, Cheol was there for her and she's very comfortable with us. I saw Jeonghan in the kitchen with Dokyeom. "You went to the café, right?" Jeonghan suddenly asked when I took a sit on the dining table.

"How'd you know?" I asked and looked at him.

"Hyung, you never really go out often but these days, you are always going out. Is it her?" Dokyeom's also a curious guy.

I shook my head and answered, "I just went there for breakfast."

Jeonghan scoffed at what I said, "Liar. You are not really good at it, you know." He is spitting straight facts. I didn't bother to look at him and I just went to get some water to drink.

I kept on checking on my phone, just in case she messages me back. I have sent her quite a few now but still no response. Maybe she's really busy because she's definitely hardworking. "See hyung. You're anxious while looking at your phone. Did you fought?" DK while flipping his omelet asked.

"Just tell us, Shua. Can't you trust us with your love life? So we can help you and you won't end up like me," I heard the bitterness in Jeonghan's voice. I know he does regret everything and all he wanted and wish right now is to see her if it's even possible.

"No. We didn't," casually answering. We did not even fight and I don't know why she acted like that.

Was it because I know April, her boss? Was that enough reason to keep a distance between us? April is a very understanding person and there's no reason for her to do that.

The two couldn't squeeze anything from me. Not bothering me anymore, they began to eat their breakfast. "Hyung, breakfast," Vernon called.

"I already ate one," I responded before going to my room.

I found solace in my room. I am glad, I'm no longer thinking of Yanika that much these past days but I don't know. Is this for real? That all the feelings fade? I couldn't validate what I am feeling unless I can talk to Vane again, properly, right?

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