TSR XLVIII: Volatility

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Being together made everything easier for both Joshua and Vane. For months that had passed, it became peaceful to them. It was very calm. Two months before Joshua allowed Vane to go back to work since the lady has been wishing and asking to go back to work even with her condition. Given the months that had passed, the baby was still a secret but it slowly peaking on Vane's tummy. She's now on her twenty-fifth month and time goes by pretty quick. It was like it was just yesterday.

"Are you sure you want to go back to work, sunshine?" Joshua was driving her to Café Neda because it's her first day back to work.

"Yep," with the emphasis on the letter p, Vane answered Joshua cheerfully.

"Please don't overwork then. Speed dial me when something is wrong. Your securities will just be around the corners of the café so you can call them anytime, 알았어 (arasseo) ?" Joshua said it. The fear enveloping him knowing Vane will be out alone was just crushing him.

Vane looked at Joshua and held his hand which was on the gearstick. "Babe, I will be fine. We will be fine," she's assuring the man to calm him down. Vane doesn't also want to make Joshua worry about her that much especially he has a job to do also.

Joshua didn't reply instead he held Vane's hand while driving. They reached the café in no time. "Take care, please!" Joshua reminded her again.

"You too," Vane didn't forget to remind the guy too. Joshua nodded his head and kissed the lady's forehead before she goes out of the car.

Vane's face showed the excitement to get back to work. It was a thrilling moment for her, to have that adrenaline in baking and decorating the cakes. She stayed for a moment outside the café looking at the large signage of Café Neda.

It's been a while, she thought. She held her bag before making herself move towards the café's entrance.

"오랜만이야 (olaenman-iya)! Welcome back, Chef Vane!" the guard on the front door greeted her.

"Thank you!" she bowed at the old man and smiled also. "It's nice to see you again," she added before entering. It's still early in the morning and she that the café was closed today. They work twenty-four hours in the café so she was confused for a moment. She smiled at the few staff outside the café but she immediately looked for her manager unnie, Molly.

"Is Molly unnie here already?" Vane asked one of the staff and they answered her with a simple shooking of the head. "Not yet chef," they answered after.

"Okay. Good. Don't tell her. I'm back, okay?" Vane was planning to surprise her too. The staff nodded and she made her way towards her office.

Vane smiled before going inside because she also misses the smell of the café and the people she's working with. It was just a few months but it was already a long time for her. She twisted the doorknob and then switch on the lights. As if cue, she got alarmed because something just exploded.

"Welcome back, Chef Vane!" it was a party popper but it made her heart leap out of her chest. She abruptly held her tummy to protect the baby.

"Omo!" Molly was frightened when Vane began to shake and tremble in fear. She saw fear in the chef's eyes. As if it was time for her to run towards the lady to comfort her. "미안해 (mianhae)! I'm sorry. Did we scare you?" she asked directly because the lady was now tearing up and the other staff was also shocked because of the chef's reaction.

"Yah! Unnie! Don't shock me like that. I'm pregnant!" Vane blurted out with thinking. Everyone became silent jaws dropping, eyes widening at the news. "What!?" Vane asked when she saw their reactions. The staff knew that Vane was going back to work that day so they decided to give her a surprise welcome back party in the Chef's office.

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