TSR II: News

997 38 43

Vanessa Elora Avery Samson

I cannot take this. They look so adorable together but oh god! I still freaking cannot handle this kind of situation that is happening to my son. Not yet. I am not yet freaking ready for it.

After asking the kid's name, I told them to wait for me at the table where we settled a while ago so I can go buy something to eat because it is almost lunchtime. I reminded Luan to protect the little girl since she's still pretty young, a year younger than my Luan. She told us not to worry about her because they will know exactly where to find her. She sounded so confident with that and the funny thing here, she thinks maturely like my Luan. She even said that she will protect Luan.

Like how will she? She was so sassy. But later I will surely look for her parents. She's safer with us at the moment.

I was looking back at their seat to check on them and they were conversing together eating their cotton candies. Oh god! She's feeding my son. Where did she even learn that?

My heart is going to burst out because they definitely look like a young couple on a date. However, at the same time, I am freaking out of they were still freaking toddlers.

I calm my nerves and walk back to them after my orders were prepared. "Are you guys, okay?" I asked when I reached our table. "Did anyone approach you?" I continued to ask them.

"There were a few, mom," Luan answered me and I was terrified.

"What!? Did they hurt you? Are you okay? Are you guys hurt?" I couldn't stop asking them.

"No ma'am. We're okayyy. They onlyyy came to ask for pictures becoz we look like a cutesie little couple on a date, right moon warrior?" oh my god! She casually answered me with that freaking feisty statement. I looked at my Luan and his face looks like a tomato right now. She even gave Luan a nickname.

"M-moon w-warrior?" my son stammered because of what she called him.

"Yaasss. Luan means moon and also means warrior and your Jericho means city of the moon so I put them together that's why your moon warrior for me," again, casually answering while she's finishing her cotton candy and shoving to my son's mouth the last bite of her cotton candy.

I don't know how to even react. This kid is pretty smart and also sassy. "M-may I-I know how did you know the meaning of my name?" my son asked her and now I looked nonexistent for both of them.

"Don't stutter. I know I'm beautiful and cute but I'm also smart that's why," I wanted to laugh at her sassy attitude but I didn't because I might offend the little kid. Luan now looks embarrassed so he kept his mouth shut.

"Mommy, water please," Luan asked.

"Here ya go," the little lady handed her the bottle of water.

"You okay now?" she asked and Luan nodded.

We began eating together and I became fond of watching my son blushed every time the little girl was teasing him. They do look good together though. I wonder where the little kid's parents. I left them after eating because I needed to go to the restroom.

I relieved my bladder but then I suddenly got a call from the government saying if I won't pay for the real property taxes of our house, we might get kicked out already. They informed me that it's been years since the last time my parents settled for taxes on our property. I didn't know so I bargained for an extension because my parents were already dead. They gave me a month to settle everything.

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