Chapter 4 - preparation

Start from the beginning

Having to behold her nation with her very own eyes, Galadriel and her councils all sat down as many of her military officials and some who recently returned from the borders, with some military officials that are stationed within their capital many of these officials wore different uniforms with many having various colours on what branch they serve, retaining all be sat down, looking directly towards their majesty, all were quiet as a tomb and some waited for this meeting to be on the motion. Having the top view seeing many patiently waiting for her words to utter, she exhaled and looked back at the crowd.

"My generals and high ranking officials I thank you many for joining this conference, it's an honour that many of you have joined at a time like this."

The crowd only clapped, from the response and maidens behind so too clapped as well, with many eyeing on her she cleared her voice to continue her conference.

"Our kingdom as of now is currently walking in a thin string with many of its allies now dropping like flies, the current situation is now a dangerous one as the feeling of a full invasion of our kingdom could occur."

"This became a reality after our alliance with the kingdom of Gallimard was currently being invaded by them and this shows that these uniforms will attack us sooner after defeating the kingdom of Gallimard!"

Officials within the throne, know what about the current situation with some knowing there are been some requesting, for their forces to help them defend an allied kingdom, even so, many agreed that their limited forces show that there not willing to send men from a kingdom who haven't done much for the association they had between them; even Galadriel understands that, as she gazed back to the crowd she continues.

"Our once allies are defeated, no matter how many highly trained men we sent them to fight, none wouldn't return, and they would ask more from us without providing us what we needed! Our situation is grim. We don't know what these humans would do to us if they ever come to these lands!"

"That saying…. my general and people, the elder mage has found a solution for this dilemma!"

She immediately soon backed away giving the mage some room to watch in front to introduce herself to the many people within the royal throne, she bowed and introduced herself.

"My name is Lillian bell. You can be the elder mage. And for this, I have brought the situation to our problems and it is on this map!"

Immediately after so, the elder soon pointed her staff toward the roof with instant flash imitating at the tip of the staff, doing so the bright light forms a door like a portal, and many dumbfounded on what there looking, the sight of large skyscrapers dumbfounded many within the room some gawked and many whispered each other at the sight there looking and having to see this, the mages sees that he got everyone's attention and continues.

"Before we were in this war, I and a few elders went to the greater realm to see what things our country uses for the sake of the economy or agriculture one nation I had sensed were a nation who lives in a world where no war exists due to their existence for freedom and liberties! Our people will be enslaved and seeing this nation fight for us because they do will show that this nation they call America will surely be willing to fight alongside us and win this so-called victory-less war!"

The portal she expected to open continues to brighten within the room with many just noticing the skyscrapers of the city of San Francisco, even if it is impressive to look at, didn't take long till few of the officials within the room, some of who are more traditional, immediately notice its missing walls and the missing forts. Even with many of the officials seeing what she was doing, some began to disagree and with many liking the idea some immediately got up and requested the purpose.

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