Chapter 30 - Edited

Start from the beginning

The wolves slowly made their way up the mountain, pushing through the thickening snow. She heard them growl and hiss as the trek became increasingly more difficult.

Ava noticed the alpha was larger than the rest of the wolves, even though the wolves were considerably larger than her own pack. But the Alpha was  bigger than Artemia by at least a foot and that told Ava quite a bit about this pack.

Artemia came towards Ava on her left side and stopped so that her large head was just above Ava.

The wolves stopped to look at the sight; the lower ranking wolves crouched low and started to growl at them. Ava silenced them with a look and waited for Alpha to move. He didn't shift back but took a step towards her, his dominating energy trying to get her to submit. Ava raised her eyebrow at him and lifted her index finger just marginally to cut off the Alpha's power a bit. He noticed the shift in his own energies and stopped mid-step. The other werewolves barked and growled at her, all of them moving forward as one.

The Alpha walked towards Ava not blinking or shifting his gaze, even when a strong burst of cold wind hit him straight in the face. He sniffed the air around her and let his senses judge who and what she is. Realisation hit him quickly and he tried to bow his head, but the Alpha wouldn't let him.

We are the same, the Alpha commented.

Ava looked at him in concern, she stepped closer to him slowly. He watched and waited to see what she would do. Ava lifted a hand towards his head and laid it on the larger wolfs forehead. What happened next surprised them both. The wind raged around them and both were brought into the safe haven of the Goddess with their wolves by their sides. Separate but always together.

The Goddess looked at both of them and in a symbol to show what they were to each other, she grabbed the silk scarf that was around her neck, in the colour of blood red with silver-white and gold thread through it and gestured for them to lift their left hands to each other. She tied the scarf around the lifted hands and rested both of her hands over theirs.

"This is where it begins. This is how it was always meant to start. The war we all face is nigh. But together we can fight the dark with the light and win. But what must be created here and now, in this time and space, is trust and faith. Do not ignore the attraction that will surface for the both of you for the other. Do not feel the guilt of leaving the others behind. You are needed as you are now. You will teach and show the wolves how to be and heal what was." The Goddess smiled at both of them before she looked to Ava with concern on her face. "You have been through so much pain, hurt and rejection. You are barely a full grown woman in heart, soul and mind and yet you have had to endure so much. Your lives will be long together and you both will make it how it was always meant to be. Take the time to trust each other and trust the other faults." Looking at the Alpha her eyes pleaded. "My child is powerful, but what she wants more than anything is love. If you can give that to her truly and honestly on a level you have not yet experienced, you will have her undying loyalty and love in return. There were two others I have tried to guide in her direction, but both times she had felt it was not right. The decision was made that another like her would be for her. You my son, another touched by the Gods and Goddesses, I entrust her to you. Look after each other."

The Goddess faded with tears in her eyes at her children finally being happy. Both had gone through so much already; one had let time take away his faith and his trust, while the other had been shunned, where if she was in the past were those like her were first created, she would have been welcomed.

Ava and the Alpha and the other wolves came back into the present. They both stood in front of each other with their left hands joined and a red scarf wrapped around them.

Ava looked at the Alpha and something shifted inside of her heart. A little sliver of hope started to appear. The Alpha was handsome; tall, just over six-feet and broad shoulder and a muscly body that showed his strength and power. His hair was dark like night and fell in waves around his face. He had distinct chiseled features with slight defined cheek bones and jawline. His eyes were the clearest blue she had ever seen. He smiled down at her, his straight white teeth glinting a little in the white light of the sun.

Ava looked behind the Alpha and saw that the rest of the wolves had shifted and had taken a knee their heads bowing slightly.

The Alphas beta stood and the rest followed. Ava and the Alpha turned around their hands clasped tightly together.

The Alpha looked at his men and then back at Ava and taking a deep breath he leaned over to her and whispered.

"My name is Raoul Mikhail Davydov Genrich; King, Alpha of these lands and one of the ancient weres of old. Welcome to my home."

Ava could feel his thick accented voice rush through her body sending a shiver down her spine. That had never happened before, not with any of the other mates she thought she had. She smiled, small, but there was a hint of one on her face. She gripped his hand a little tighter, hoping he understood her silent message and smiled at the pack members as they started to cheer.

One of the lower rankings werewolves looked put on. He was shivering down to his bones. Whilst he was happy for his King, he wanted to be tucked away in his rooms, with a warm bowl of his mothers soup in his hands and his mate lying next to him and watching some television that neither really cared about.

"Sire, since everything has worked out, can we please go back down the mountain?" 

Raoul looked at the lower ranking wolf, Ludwig. He was Raouls' half brother by marriage only, but he never had any issues with him before. The younger man just looked cold and warn out.

Ava looked at the exhausted faces of the wolves. She felt Artemia push her shoulder with her nose. Ava understood and as she lifted her now free hands to the sky, she imagined that they were all at the bottom of the mountain where it was considerably warmer than it was at its peak.

In a flash they appeared on the bottom, a little shaky in the landing but everyone was safe.

Raoul looked at his mate in wonder. He had heard stories but nothing like this. It was in that moment that all his men that were with him knew that they would have to protect their newly crowned Queen at all cost.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 for NeoNixButterfly21/Christine 

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