Get to know..

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After everyone was ready smriti came to their room and knocked. And jimin opened door for her giving her welcoming smile.

"Umm I need to know if you guys have any allergies or anything about food."She said looking at them

"Umm not really we eat everything but namjoon don't like sea food and taehyung don't like spicy food and rest are good with any thing."Jin replyed her thinking

"Okay."She said.

"Smriti.. I'll come and help you with the food."Jin said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"you don't have to jin-shi."Smriti said

"Ohh cut the formalities.."jin said smiling

"Nohh really i'll do it. and I am making something indian for you guys as your welcome treat."Smriti said and jin just gave in.

"Okay fine but if in the future we get married I won't let you do cooking alone."Jin said winking and make smriti blush.

"I'll be going."She said and  rushed outside.

"she is so cute."Hobi said smiling.

"she is hobi."yoongi said.

"Woahhh did yoongi hyung compliment her?????"Jimin teased making yoong rolled his eyes.

"whatever..."yoongi said

"well if yoongi liked her it totally means she is different."Jin said smiling at yoongi.

" Not you too hyung.."Yoongi whined making others laugh


At lunch.

"Come on guys.... lunch is ready."Ritik come to boys to take them for lunch.

"So soon?"Namjoon said 

"Yesss my sister is fast at everything."Ritik said 

"Okayyy????"Namjoon said and put his book aside and get up from his chair 

"What did she make for us?"Tae asked in exitement.

"She made chole bhatoore and Shahi kofte and something in sweet too."Ritik said

"Well we never eat these dishes before but I am sure she made something good."Jin said

"Indeed... She is a great cook jin.. "Ritik said and they walked to the dining room.

 As They reached at dining room and saw smriti arranging plates with so much concentration 

"Is everything ready?"Ritik said making her jump .

"Ohh bhai don't do that..."Smriti whined

"Sorry bun."Ritik said patting her head

"Well I am ready here just about to call bhai."Smriti said and ritik nod.

"Okay.. I'll go call them."He said and went out.

"Umm you guys can sit wherever you want."Smriti said and they nod

"Well this food smells so good."Jungkook mumbled but clear enough to hear others.

"I'll serve you ..."Smriti said and they took their sits.

She started to serve them and they just admire her beauty. I mean who wouldn't  She was so pretty and for them she is first indian girl that came into their life and not only first time for that but it's going to be first time of many things.

After she done serving them her brothers and parents came and took sit and she served them too.

"Let's eat."Her father said and everyone started to eat but she didn't.

"Smriti-shi why are you not eating?"jimin asked

"Well she have habit she don't eat before elders and without her adi bhai."Ritik said.

"But adi hyung is eating."Tae said

"Yes but he will stay with her after his lunch and company her."Rohan said

"Ohhh.."Tae said

"How is lunch ?"Mother asked

"MA'am it's really testy I mean this is our first time eating indian food and we totally love it."Hobi said

"Good to know but why did you call me ma'am?" Mother asked

"Umm It's not good to call you mom cause smriti and we are not married yet and I don't like to call you auntie soo ..."Hobi explained

"Okay."Mother said and smiled

"don't be shy a lot .."Father said and they eat in peace.

After lunch.

After they finished this time not only adi but bts also give her company till she eat her food. And now they are sitting in her room getting to know her better.

"So Smriti-shi what you like to do in your free time?"Namjoon asked

"Umm I mostly read books.. some time gardening or visit my some friends"She answered

"Do you like to sing?"Suga asked

"I am not a good singer... but I do sing when I am alone."She answered and giggled. And her one giggle was enough to kill them

"Do you like dance?"Hobi asked

"I do like dance but for only watching ."She answered.

"What you do to keep your body and mind fit?"Jimin asked

"I do yoga."She said and jimin internally smiled

"Do you like to do shopping ?"Tae asked

"Not really I mean sometimes but I already have everything soo.."She replyed

"Kook don't you want to ask her anything?"Namjoon asked him.

"Huh? I-I? ummm Do you paint?"He asked

"I like to paint but it never come out good."She said and pouted little bit thinking her past drawings.

"I had question but I got my answer already so I am not asking anything"Jin said

"What answer hyung?"Hobi asked 

"About cooking."He replyed

"Umm  smriti-shii I  have one serious question."Namjoon said getting all attention

"If we get married will you be able to handle us..?I mean we 7 are whole different personalities with different mood swings... Will you be able to handle us? will you be able to love us? Will you be able to love us equally?"Namjoon asked 

Smriti went silent for moments 

"Umm I can't really tell you this right now I mean when we just met I'll need my time.. But if that happens I am sure I can handle anything and about love I've never been in relation before this is all new for me.. I don't even know what love is.."She said honestly

"Well I am glad you said what you think"Namjoon said giving her dimple smile.

"Do wanna Know anything about us?"Suga asked

"I want to but you only have 1 person to get to know and I have 7 persons so I'll do it in my way .. I'll observe you guys..."She said and they agreed.

"Okay... as you say.."suga said

"Ohh yeah bhai said they'll take you for mini tour tomorrow"Smriti said .

"Okay.. aren't you coming with us?"Jin asked

"I'll come."She said

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