Looking down at the floor, you nervously fidgeted with your fingers.

"I'm pregnant again Hisoka.."

"And before you cuss at me and tell me I'm a deceitful woman that's trying to trap you. I am on the pill and I didn't miss a day. The pill works 99% of the time. But I guess..we fall underneath that 1% bracket." You calmly explained, but it was obvious that you were nervous based off your subtle undertone.

After hearing that bombshell land, Grimmjow silently pulled the cigarette away from his lips, and looked over to Orihime - fearful and nervous for you. Everyone was there the first time Hisoka found out you were pregnant, and damn were they shocked and quite uneasy to be around Hisoka back then.

That day was the first time they saw Hisoka genuinely get angry. Not even angry. Extremely pissed off. He even downed a whole bottle of alcohol and had the nerve to slam the glass aggressively against the wall as you cried - begging him calm down and not end the two of you forever.

However, unlike before, Hisoka remained quiet. Unsure by the others whether he was quiet before he exploded again. Or quiet because he didn't know what to say.

Placing his bottle of water down, Hisoka stared mindlessly at the purple lit up pool.

"How far along are you?" The Joker finally spoke. But his stern and distant undertone wasn't comforting.

Swallowing painfully due to your sore throat, you prepared for the worst.

'Get out my fucking house.' A memory internally echoed.

Although you could now financially support yourself and kids because you were a qualified surgeon. It still destroyed your heart once again to know Hisoka was going to toss you out his house like garbage again.

Being with you was easy.
When a child, now children were brought into the equation. That is what made Hisoka overwhelmed.

"..A-Almost three weeks."

"Is this also why you are sick?" He calmly asked another question. Unnerving you even more because of his lack of reaction.

"Y-yeah. Pregnancy sickness varies with every woman and with every birth. With Maleeka I only felt sick three m-months into my pregnancy. Only vomiting, loss of appetite and dizziness. Pregnancy also weakens the immune system, so.. That's why I have the cold." You nervously explained.

You wanted to assure him it was hiding the pregnancy from him that made you distant, not the wedding jitters. But you weren't sure if he still wanted to marry you after this.

Shifting more back on the long pool chair to make more space in front of him, Hisoka effortlessly took your hand and pulled you down to sit on the empty space in between his legs.

"You shouldn't have kept this from me for so long Y/n."


"I know." He cut you off sternly. Not wanting to remember his past mistakes.

"Will your heart and liver handle this pregnancy?"

All four looked peculiarly at Hisoka. His response and body language was far from hostile or negative. Instead, here he was, worrying about your health. Not disregarding you like a dog.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now