Chapter 24

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Giggling lightly, "I can't make you do anything, you are like twice the size of me." You innocently replied.

Smoothly, Hisoka rolled his eyes to look back up at the sky. "How is your chest feeling?" He asked, genuinely wanting to know, but also to distract you. Make you forget you were still holding his hand.

He didn't deserve it, but selfishness still prevailed throughout his personality. He wanted this, so this he shall have it.

"There's just a dull constant ache all over my chest. Not too bad though."

"Dull constant - ''

" But I'll be okay till morning, I promise! " You quickly spoke over Hisoka that probably was going to try and call his doctor again.

"Hm." He merely huffed in dissatisfied response.

"Hey Hisoka."

"Yes?" He acknowledged.

"You said I don't have parents anymore. How were things like?" You asked.

Still eyes. Reflecting back to the conversations he heard you have with Itachi and with him - Abusive. Toxic. Broken. Miserable.

"Beautiful and normal. You come from a loving home, so there's nothing really to tell you." Hisoka point blank lied. He found no logical reason to fill your head with such harsh truths. Especially unnecessary truths that would bring you sadness.

"Oh I see, makes sense. And siblings? Do I have any brothers or sisters?" You asked with a subtle excitement dripping from your undertone.


"..No you don't."

Sighing, "Oh, that sucks." You commented.

"That's one of the many reasons why your parents loved you so much. You were their only child. They didn't need another one." One lie added onto another.

Smiling in a bitter-sweet manner, "And yours? If you don't mind me asking?" You prowled.

Lightly sighing, "I don't have any. They are long gone. End of the story." Hisoka replied. Neither emotionally or emotionlessly.

Based off his response, you knew not to poke on that matter any further immediately.
"Sorry.." You meekly murmured, feeling bad for intruding.

Releasing another external sigh, Hisoka remembered he couldn't be so closed off and aloof with you. If he wanted to get closer to you, he had to open up. With the old you he didn't really have too. It was almost as if you and him shared a silent and natural understanding of each other. You would speak a lot. Open up a lot. Express vastly. He would just listen. Listen and comment.

However that isn't possible now. He had to talk. You listen.

Hisoka couldn't help but comically wonder whether 'God' purposely got rid of your memory so that Hisoka could finally open up to someone completely about personal things.

He had to give in. Cave in. Be vulnerable.

"My parents were killed in front of me. I grew up without them. I believe one of the reasons why I am the way I am is because I had no one to teach me how to act. Correct me. Discipline me. Or express affection." For the first time, he openly confessed.

Being rather startled by such information, you sat up and stared down at him with such stillness filling your eyes. His story was depressing. It was understandable why he initially brushed you off the first time.

Remaining silent, he picked up that your eyes were telling him to continue if he was comfortable.

"Violence is all I know because I witnessed it. I'm selfish and greedy because I had no one to teach me to be sensitive and selfless. I'm not affectionate or kind because I wasn't given that. I don't have any regard for human life because I've witnessed how easily it is to murder. So I chose to be the person on the other end of the gun or knife. Never the victim. Always the murderer. They have power. Control."

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt