Chapter 27

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Having your medication arrive and given to you to take. Hisoka informed you that he had booked flights to Paris for the late afternoon tomorrow. Well technically not booked since he owns his own plane, but the context was there. 'Just be ready in the afternoon.'

With excitement bubbling up, you couldn't help but start to pack. However that came to a quick halt because of a little snag you hit.

Walking into Hisoka's room, you noticed he was laying down with his eyes closed. Feeling guilty to wake him up, you slowly backed away.

"What is it?" You heard his deep and smooth voice guild throughout the room. Instantly sending shivers down your spine.

"O-oh nothing!" You whispered, feeling extremely bad you might have gotten him up.

Opening his eyes effortlessly, "So you just want to stare at me laying down. I see." He replied.

Turning a bit red, "N-no! I just..Well as I mentioned before to you, most of my clothes aren't fitting anymore so..." You trailed off in embarrassment.

With a subtle smirk forming on his lips, "What do you want me to do about that?"

Gulping dryly, from feeling embarrassed, something in your heart dropped upon hearing that in addition to feeling beyond embarrassed. "Right. No nothing, I'm sorry."

Smirking more, "I'm joking Y/n. I'll call in a styler to bring over clothes you can pick from. I don't want you out shopping about when you ill. Give them an hour or two." He casually stated. At this point it wasn't even him flexing his wealth and influence. It was just a lifestyle you needed to get used too with Hisoka.

Standing there shell shocked, you struggled to process what Hisoka said. Bring someone over so you can pick clothes from? That's definitely not what you had in mind. You thought the only way to get clothes is to either go shopping or order online.

"Why so quiet? I'm sure I recall you saying I should treat you like a princess from now on not so long ago. No?" He smoothly questioned you.

"W-well yeah, but I didn't.." You trailed off. Still far too shocked but touched by such royal treatment.

Peering his tired eyes open, "If you want to physically go shopping. You can. Obviously I'll have to come with you. Or at least send someone with you." He said, slipping out his black card out for you to take.

"No! I mean no it's okay. Don't get up. Rest okay? I'll wait for the stylist to come. Thank you.." You immediately mentioned, feeling even more worse because it was obvious that Hisoka was tired by the faded dark lines underneath his mesmerising eyes.

Seeing that he wasn't going to reply and that he shut his eyes again, you quietly left the room too allow him to sleep. Remembering that he didn't truly sleep at all yesterday.

With a few hours passing, Maleeka already arrived home and was more than excited to pick out clothes with you. Even more so to know that they all going travelling.

"Excuse me sir do you have smaller clothing like hers? 'Coz I like her style and I want to dress like her too!" Maleeka cutely demanded. She truly missed these moment's with her mother.

"Only of course if that's okay with you m-Y/n?" She subtly corrected her potential slip up.

"Of course it is. I think that would be pretty cool to match."

"U-uh well we can organise that for you Ms Morow." The stylist nervously stated. Too afraid to say no to the only daughter of the top dog in the underworld.

With the late evening arriving, around 4pm Hisoka had gotten up and made his way downstairs. Immediately being greeted with a cosy setting. All the curtains had been drawn, all the lights were off except the dim lampshades, the tv and fireplace was on, and in the middle of the couch, you and Maleeka were under a blanket eating popcorn.

Each Other's End Game 2 (Hisoka x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now