Chapter 10: Killer of the night

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'Clank' the sounded of broken glass from the opposite room, followed by scrapes and clangs woke up Jasmine from her sleep.

She looks over at the door to her bunker and murmurs to herself, "Don't think about it Jasmine, it's only a wind," as a strange feeling creeps up on her.

She poked her phone's screen to see what time it was.

" What!? It's only 3 a.m.," she moaned. She wants to sleep some more, but the urge to use the restroom strikes her abruptly.

She has no choice but to summon her bravery self to use the restroom. It was hot and steamy there, with the earth's sweat dripping down the corridor.

With shaky hands, she turned on the flashlight on her phone and followed the small beam with her eyes. As she walked, her flip-flop emitted a squeaky noise. It was nearly like being in a gated and locked abandoned tunnel. Despite the engine and rail noises, her footfall generate an echo that makes her own footsteps sound like they're coming from behind her. When they stop, they also appear to take one more step than she does.

Jasmine strode alone along a dimly lit corridor to use the restroom. The door squeaked open reluctantly, and it took her almost 10 minutes to use the restroom. As she returned to the corridor, a sliver of light appeared from behind her, but it was only for a brief while as the light disappeared. Rusty and metallic odors fill her nostrils.

She clenched her teeth, a wave of anxiousness washing through her as she noticed something moving in the darkness from the tail of her eyes. Against the weak light, a black and sleek form emerged from the train's wall.

Shivers ran down her spine from the cool chill coming through the air inside the train. The tickling wristwatch seemed to grow louder with each second until it finally chimed, filling the dead silence on the corridor. With each second that passed, she felt the uneasiness spike once more.

" Thud, Thud, Thud "  A pounded sound came from the dark pith side of the corridor coming from the toilet, which was only a few feet behind her.

" Oh no... not this sound " She murmured before she try to run, The distance between the toilet and his room suddenly felt like it was the length of two continents.

She was in a hurry to get into her room but her leg wouldn't cooperate to move faster as her feet felt like it was buried in the mudflat, that lead to her twisted one foot and lost her balance. She landed flat on her face on the floor.

Her eyeglasses fell on the floor, as though by accident. She normally wore contact lenses, but she routinely removed them and replaced them with regular glasses to assist her visibility before she sleep.

Jasmine tried to look for it, but everything was so blurred, and the steel floor was silver colored similar to her glasses. She couldn't see properly without her eyeglasses.

" Thuddd  " " Thuddd " " Thuddd " the pounded sound from the floor became stronger for each second passed.

Jasmine became quite dizzy as a result of the overwhelming terror she was experiencing. She took a big breath in and tried to battle the wave of drowsiness that washed over her.

With every last bit of energy she try to get up. However Jasmine's body was already trembling tremendously, and the small sheen that had formed on her skin was now visible. She was well aware that she was about to lose consciousness, but she felt powerless to prevent it.

She feel a dark energy looked at her as her vision became blurry as she looks up. A creature on four limbs crawled away from her enter her vision blurrily. Unfortunately for her, that's the last thing she sees as her body and minds gave up and she drop to the floor again as the darkness starts to encase her.

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