Chapter 6: Guy with little daffodil

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Putera checked his old Cassio wristwatch, which shown it was already eight o clock at night.

"Guys, I need to go to the toilet " " Number 2 " he said as he walked out of the smoking area slowly. He's just making an excuse because he's weary and wants to rest his head inside the bunker.

As he trudged across the compartment's steel floor, he came to a halt near the cafeteria's door, seeing the girls still seated at their table. He took a look around and found a desolate table at the entryway. He muttered and sat as far away from them as he could because he is still feeling shy around the girls.

From his vantage point, it is visible that a man in his 40s is currently cleaning the table. He exhaled a breath of relief since he wouldn't have to wait much longer because he'd have to travel through the cafeteria to get to their coach because the cafeteria stands between the sleeper compartment and the smoking area where he'd just been.


Putera's attention is drawn away from his phone by a loud voice that reverberates across the table, prompting him to look up from his phone to see what's going on.

It was shocked for him to find out that Sarah is the owner of the voice. Sarah was straightening up and wiping his white blouse, which was smeared with brown stains, most probably from the unfinished coffee.

" I'm so sorry miss " That man can only apologised with a slight South Asian accent that can be heard from him.

Genuine polite apology with a remorse expression usually works wonders. It's not only required, but possibly the only way to mend the situation. However, in this scenario, the worker's apologies are useless because Sarah does seem to be greatly outraged by the circumstance.

" Sooo... stupid " " that's why we should only allow immigrants to work in our country as bricklayers " She blurted out a harsh remark directed at the man carelessly.

" SARAH!!!! MIND YOUR WORDS!!! " Jasmine yelled furiously, perplexed by her friend's nasty remark. " It's not his fault, he accidentally poured the cup because the train were shaking "      She continued to defend the worker.

" ISHHH " Sarah grunted and storming out the cafeteria carrying her purse feeling angry as her friend not having her back this time.

" I'm so sorry, please forgive her behaviour sir " Jasmine bowed down her head.

" It's all right, miss, I've become accustomed to it," the man said, nodding painfully and smiling bitterly as if he was trying to keep himself from crying.

Jasmine smiled back and looked down at Melur, who was sitting timidly in his seat, taken aback by the situation. " Let's go Melur," she said.

" All right... " Melur stammered and rose slowly, bowed her head to the man and exiting the cafeteria behind Jasmine.

Putera saw the elderly man's sorrowful expression in the window reflection from the distance, as well as the crystal shape water that has been stagnant in the man's eyes. This unexpected spectacle that transpired in front of him aggravated him deeply. What affects him the most is his response, as this is an everyday occurrence for that man.

Desperateness leads these immigrants to go across seven seas and seven mountains merely to feed their families. Is it difficult for us to be thoughtful and kind to them? Do we realise that they constructed more than 50% of the structures in our major cities? Who you think clean all the garbage on street? Showing a little gratitude won't harm us. Putera had just batted these thoughts around in his head. He decided not to dispute with her about her impudent behaviour because they were still not close and he just watched quietly from his spot as the girls left the cafeteria.

When people are uncomfortable with the mistreatment issue of immigrants, they react by saying "Too sensitive." Sometimes a conversation must go "Too sensitive." It's time to quit avoiding difficult conversations just because you don't want to. When individuals strayed from the path of humanity, prejudice and belittlement on underprivileged people occurred. People have lost sight of compassion as a result of their entitlement. Perhaps a " Too sensitive " dialogue will cast some insight on this problem in our country making people to be more respectful to every immigrant that lives here. 

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