Chapter 23: If only it were true

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Jafri appears self-conscious before the interrogation begins. He was constantly altering his position in the seat, crossing and uncrossing his legs. His abdomen begins to twist and turn. His emotions swirled around him, his pulse thumping in his chest as sweet ran down his brow. To be a first person for the interrogation is surely not a pleasure treat.

Through his round-framed glasses, Jafri noticed the detective study him, his behavior, his appearance and his mannerism. There is something devious intent unknown to him behind that looks. He didn't like that.

" Soooo... " Detective Riz begins, thumbing through his notebook that lay on his lap, flicking through the pages filled with the notes regarding the case.

" Jafri right? Thank you for coming today " He held his hand out for a handshake.

" Yes sir... you're welcome "

" Okay Jafri, I don't want to waste your time and mine, so I will skip the double checking on your details as you already done it with officer Danielle "

" Sure sir... " Jafri replied weakly.

" You see Jafri, I got one week to collect all the evidence before I acquired a warrant by my boss to bring five of you as a possible suspect "

" During the process, I found a many interesting information " He coughed,  " Do you want to hear some? "

" Yes sir... "

" I found out that there's no sausage eating competition were held on that mall you mentioned you won "

Jafri was caught of guard looking very surprised with the revelation. He wished he had never been involved in this interrogation although it's only the start of the questioning process.

" Weird right "

Jafri looks down feeling nervous.

" You chose to be quite, okay then " He jotted down something on his notebook.

" So I asked the IT team to track the transaction of the ticket and found that it was purchased online at the Ampang cybercafé computer centre "

" Do you know that place Jafri? "

" I'm not sure sir... "

" Huh not sure? " Detective Wan shake his head in disbelief " You really make it obvious son taking all the fun from me " The pattern of behaviour shown by Jafri indicates he hiding something from him.

" Do you still doesn't want to admit that you buy all the tickets and lying about that sausages competition? "

" Answer me Jafri, or do you want me to call you as myenez " Slowly but sharply, he thrown the bait.

Even though it was already chilly in there, cold sweat flows down. Jafri was pushed at the edge of the cliff by the question.

Detective Wan grinned scarily " That's the id you use to purchase the ticket right? "

Although the bumpy path can still be traversed, Jafri's pilgrimage has cease with the revelation. " Yes, I admit that I purchased the tickets and lied about that sausage competition " He lift his face " But I'm not the killer sir " He pleads innocence.

" Nobody said about you as a killer " " I just asked about the tickets " The detective set up a trap. With all of this mental contortion, Jafri's face darkens. He was completely silent and speechless.

" Relax son, I'm just kidding, " He laughed " Then, you care to explain why you try really hard and spend the money to fabricate the tickets and bring them to a trip "

" The truth is..., I --, Hmm—, Want to invite them to join me on a final trip before we graduated and carry on with our own lives " Jafri stuttered.

" They won't join the trip if I tell them I'll sponsor them " Said Jafri.

" Ayyy, Looking at the background all of you, I don't think there will be a financial problem for them to join you to a trip " Detective Wan chuckled.

Jafri took a deep breath slowly, " That's the thing, sir, money isn't an issue since they'll think this trip is a nuisance for them because I asked them last year and they turned down my idea "

"But if I told them I got them a free package, they might think it's too bad to deny my offer " Jafri began to gain courage with his response.

" However, during the initial interrogation this morning, officer Danielle informed me that Putera has never been friends with four of them " " Is that right? " He asks Jafri again.

"He is my childhood friend, we have been friends for fifteen years, but he had so few friends with the exception of me " Jafri says, wiggling his finger in fear of the unusual setting.

" He is such an introvert," he groaned in frustration, " I've been trying to coax him out of his shell since he was a boy, and I've tried everything " " It's all there, school clubs, parties, and sporting activities "

" He never budged, so I felt this would be a good opportunity to expose him and encourage him to meet new friends "

" What a wonderful friend " " Hmm, it's plausible, but is that the only reason, Jafri? " said the detective, whirling his pen. His face was lit up with a laser focus, as if he was trying to wheedle an answer from the young man in front of him.

Jafri averts his gaze immediately. " There's another reason..." Slowly, he murmured softly.

Detective Wan's face glows as he delights at his approach. " Now we're talking " He prepares to write the note by stroking the pen.

" Actually, I have a feeling for Sarah, and I'd like to use this trip as my last shot to declare my love for her " Jafri finally admitted.

" Are you serious? That's quite romantic " He responded with skepticism. " But you can confess your love in Malaysia, there are so many romantic places to confess your love in our country "

" Yes, but I thought it would be special, plus it's like getting two giggles with one tickle for me " Jafri said nervously, smacking his lip.

Eyeing it skeptically, his warm ivory coloured skin pulling at the edges, crinkling at the edges, he flicked his gaze to Jafri again. " You said that, this is your last chance to propose to her " He smiled sarcastically, " Why do you said it's your last chance, do you confess to her before? "

He stunned again by the words, he looked down exhausted with all these question before he lift his face, " Yes sir, she rejected me before but that because I unintentionally slip my feelings and that time she still not moving on from her previous relationship "

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Detective Riz offered a thin smile. " Do you feel angry, when he rejected you, that you feel like killing her? " He starts a psychological game with Jafri.

" Hey!!! " "I'm not that kind of guy " He said timidly, irritated by the act. Jafri's face turned scarlet, flushed, and angry.

" Wow, young fellow, calm down! " Detective Wan said, still smiling. For a little moment, he scribbled something, allowing Jafri to settle. " Okay, that's it, our session is over " His abrupt words brought the investigation to an end.

" Wait, what? " Jafri was confused by the detective's strange actions.

" You have provided me with all of the information and declarations that I needed " He placed his notebook aside.

" Are you serious? " Jafri questioned of the detective, relieved but anxious.

" Sure boy " he said, unnerving Jafri out with his broad smile.

" All right then... " Jafri stood up, bowed to the man, and exited the room. Detective Wan simply stood there with a gruff expression on his face as his possible suspect walked out of the room.

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