60~Barbie's crisis

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Yong belongs to a divorced family. In order to pursue her own career, her mother divorced her father when Yong was in junior high school and chose to work abroad.

Cuz the divorce had to divide the property, at that time, her father also wanted to leave Harbour City, which was the place that made him sad. Then he sold the house, and after dividing the money to Yong's mother, he took Yong to the next-door city---Han City, to re-development.

Later, Yong was admitted to the university in Harbour City, so she came back. Since then, Yong has contacted Byul again.

Although she has been in a single-parent family for several years, Yong's father, no matter what she chooses, always supports her, and now even called a large number of people to support her. So that's really put a heavy burden on Yong's heart!

She was nervous cuz she was never on stage at such a big venue, but now all acquaintances would watch it, and she felt her heart jump to the eye of her throat. She was so nervous that she kept rubbing and poking her hands.

Such an uneasy look also caught Kook's eyes, he had just walked in.

"Don't be nervous, just relax!" Kook patted Yong's shoulder warmly.

Yong looked back at Kook and asked aggrievedly:

"Can I go out to watch the show later? I just want to take a stroll and relax!"

Kook was taken aback, and recalled what Seok said to him that night on Christmas Eve:

"Never let Yong leave the waiting room!"

Kook touched his sniffing nose, pretending to be calm:

"If you want to watch the performance, you can watch it on the TV here. The people in backstage are moving props and performing cutscenes. It is not convenient for you to wear ballet shoes."

Kook said bitterly, although the real reason was not that.

"But TV is not as lively as watching live. I just wear slippers to go out, for a while."

Yong raised her finger 1 and pleaded earnestly.

Kook was also very helpless. Although the voice in his heart wanted to take her out, in order to avoid that from happening, reason told him not to.

He squatted halfway in front of Yong: "You will get your makeup and hair in a while. After you change into the performance clothes, it is not suitable to go out. The better way is to sit in the waiting room and watch."

Kook's tone was very gentle as if he was coaxing a kid.

Looking at those bright eyes, Yong was persuaded.

"Fine..." She pouted and agreed.

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