Episode 2: Two Villains are Enough

Start from the beginning

"Ah!" Yellow screamed as she let go of the mouse and stumbled a bit, "Wow, Pika. You're just as strong as ever"

She then fainted as Green rushed to help her friend. Pika jumped to the trainer with worry too.

"Typical of heroes" Ganondorf said as Link kept his eyes on him, "Always carrying and willing to do whatever you deem is right. I'll never understand those notions when that kindness wasn't given to everyone. Think about that, heroes"

Ganondorf turned away from them and decided to retire to his chambers for the night. Bowser followed him with a laugh while the heroes were tense.

"Are you sure we shouldn't do something about this?" Green asked seriously, "If they are villains you've faced before, shouldn't we keep a closer eye on them or something?"

She turned to Mario and Link who shared a look themselves. Link then put the Master Sword away as Mario turned away from the location where Bowser and Ganondorf had walked to. After that, the rest of the evening was quiet. Though, Green and Samus were still tending to Yellow to make sure she was fine. They didn't leave the living room while Pika and Ririri were playing together.

"Seriously, can't we do anything?" Green said with her face in her hands and puffed up cheeks.

"We shouldn't do anything without asking them" Samus said as she finished checking up on Yellow, "Those are not our villains. We should talk to Mario and Link before doing anything rash"

Green disagreed while Yellow yawned. She could tell Green would want to do something about this, but for now, they would just have to wait.

"Hey! Girlie!" Fox shouted as he and Cap. Falcon were fixing up their respective vehicles, "Don't start fights you can't win or would cause nothing but trouble. It doesn't help anyone. If anything, he makes things more complicated than it needs to be"

Green turned and pouted at him before Marth said calmly, "I agree with Miss Samus. We don't want to make more enemies and start a fight when there is no need to"

Yellow and Pika turned to the Hero King who seemed to be the only voice of reason among them.

""Miss?" Reaally? Just Samus for me" Samus said as she looked over Cap. Falcon's shoulder to see how he was fixing up his ship, "Why are you doing that? It would be better if you reroute it"

Cap. Falcon jumped at her words before turning to her. He was surprised she gave him an input on his vehicle. He took a step back and handed her the wrench. She blinked at him, shrugged, and then went to work on his car. She was able to fix it up and give it a boost, much to the captain's surprise. As for Yellow, she smelled something amazing coming from the kitchen. She and Pink went to it to find Link cooking something!

"Oh! You can cook?!" Ness asked surprised as he gazed at the food Link was preparing.

Link lowered his bowl to show Ness that he was preparing spaghetti. Ness's eyes were wide as he rushed to the other cabinet to pull out some spices and sauces. Now, it was Link's turn to be amazed and nodded his head as the two of them went to work to cook something. Yellow then went to the fridge to take out some frozen meatballs and bread to cook.

"Let's make a wonderful feast for everyone!" Yellow suggested warmly to them with Pika holding a mixing spoon in his hands.

"Puyo!" Kirby shouted in agreement while having a chef hat on along with a knife in his hand.

Thus, the five of them went to make a wonderful meal for the Fighters. This left Green along on the couch with Ririri. She sighed until Luigi, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong running around and trying to do something to entertain themselves.

"Perhaps we should do something to stop them from possibly destroying the mansion we will be resting at" Marth suggested to Green who raised a brow at him.

"And why don't you try something?" Green asked as she caught him off guard, "Haha! Has kingy here not done anything to rally his friends? Relax! We are all friends here! Or, we should be! Alright, I've got the perfect idea! Fox, Falcon! Don't fix the wall! I've got a great idea! Come, Ririri!"

She marched right outside with Marth behind her. She then whispered something to Ririri. The Ririripuff then skipped forward and before Ririri took in a big deep breath. She puffed up and made herself into a giant! Ririri then laid down. Donkey Kong, Luigi, and Yoshi stared at them as Green jumped on Ririri's stomach! She bounced around as everyone was surprised!

"Come on! This can tire you out and relax you!" Green said with a wink as she bounced off Ririri.

Donkey Kong and Yoshi jumped on Ririri's stomach first as Luigi rushed to get Mario to join in on the fun. Green stood aside with a grin as Marth was surprised. He didn't see this coming.

"Relax, king" Green said with a grin, "I'm used to this. After all, I teamed up with a few rough houses from here and there"

Luigi and Mario soon ran down the stairs to join in on the warm feast. Though, Ganondorf and Bowser watched from afar. They weren't uninvited, but they could've joined if they wanted.

"Typical heroes" Ganondorf said with a shake of his head, "Perhaps this is a chance for us to make our point"

Bowser turned to him as he turned away from the heroes. They walked through the hallways with darkness growing around them. Ganondorf and Bowser walked outside of mansion and found the panel storing all the stages, music, and info.

"How powerful do you believe this console to be?" Ganondorf asked with interest in his voice as he gazed at it.

Bowser wasn't sure as Ganondorf observed it.

"Well, let's test how powerful this console is along with the deity who summoned us!" Ganondorf said as he held his sword and charged up attack.

With all his might, he swung the sword down on the console to destroy it! Suddenly, the entire area began to distort as places were changing!

"What is happening?" Yellow asked nervously as she finished preparing the bread to see the kitchen disappearing.

Link quickly pulled the Healer away as the fighters slowly backed together. They were standing in a circle as everything was changing around them!

"Who did this?!" Ness exclaimed as he latched himself onto Captain Falcon's leg.

They heard a roar and crackle as the heroes turned to see Ganondorf and Bowser standing over a ruined console!

"Don't tell me that thing was actually important?" Green asked worriedly as she held Ririri close to her.

"Bowser!" Mario exclaimed as the Koopa King and Geurdo King turned to the heroes.

They could tell from the heroes' expressions that they demanded some kind of answer.

"This isn't fair" Ganondorf spoke first as he pointed his sword at Link, "Too many heroes and few villains. Or rather, individuals with malicious intent. We want this to be fair, so let's make it fair by summoning anyone to our fight!"

Everyone was tense as they heard another voice.

"What have you done?!" the voice exclaimed in a worried manner, "This is supposed to be a fun tournament! Why did you do this?!"

No one knew the source of the voice, but they could confirm something about it: it was young and male. The voice soon let out a cry as everything violently shook! The world cracked around them as Bowser fell through while Ganondorf was pulled away! The heroes tried to hang onto each other until they were pulled apart from each other and fell into different worlds and sections! The heroes prepared themselves for impact as they crashed in different places while hearing the young child's voice cry out in sadness and despair. 

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