4 | The Inner Beast

Start from the beginning

"S-sn-snap out it, Aurora." 

I whirled around to find the other figure now moving, resting its back against the wall. The voice in my subconscious grew louder, blocking out the remaining words coming from the figures lips. "Ahh!" I clamped my hands on my head as I tried to block out the voice, to tune it down, to lock the beast back in its cage but it turned out to be a more difficult task than expected. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. It went on and on in my mind, driving me mad. It was making me lose it again. I stood firm on my willpower. I would not let my inner demons take over me this time around. 

"Get out of my head!" I yelled, and it all went mute. It was gone. I was free. The rage that clouded my vision evaporated into thin air and I could finally see the two figures clearly, resting their bodies against the wall—the lady I met in the cemetery who led me here and the ridiculously handsome guy I met before walking into the school. I was about to ask how they knew each other until I realised I was falling. The ground wobbled under my feet as my face came in contact with the ground, my eyes could barely stay open. I heard a faint sound and saw them muttering inaudible words to me with worry glimmering in their eyes. Makes me wonder why they'd still care for someone who almost killed them.


"What did you do to me?" I said, grazing my thumb against my eyes, trying to clear off the fatigue in my eyes. My arms were so numb I could barely lift it up, and so was the rest of my body. The aching in my head subsided, and I was finally able to reason clearly. My back was resting against the slab wall with the two other people seated on the opposite side of the wall.

"What I injected into your system was meant to restore the memories you buried deep down, but it had some side effects which was making you lose a part of your sanity. I didn't know it would lead to that extent," she said, flashing  a remorseful grin. 

I steadied my breathing as I kneaded the bridge of my nose, trying to pull myself together from what happened some minutes ago. "I-I could have killed you both!" My voice was laced with anger and fear. My hands still trembled at the thought of almost murdering a person. I shook my head, blocking the thoughts out.

"But you didn't," she butted in, partly showcasing her pearly white teeth.

"An apology won't cut it," I said, glaring at her.

"Fine. What'd you want?" 

"First, I need to know who you both are and everything else you know, now," I firmly said.

"Adira Hughes, and this is Sebastian. He works for me. I brought you here to prepare you for what is about to come. I am your mo-mother's younger sister. I know you have been in search of her, I traced you here and came to help you. I sincerely mean you no harm, Aurora. The name Vivian was given to you by the lady who adopted you. Your birth name is Aurora. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I-I was occupied with—"

She fiddled with her thumbs as she shut her eyes and heaved a sigh, "—some other urgent matters that I unfortunately can't disclose to you. My only advice to you is to be weary of everyone around you. Don't trust anyone no matter how close you may be to the person. I-I'm sorry, I need to get some air." She got up and hastily walked out. I caught a glimpse of glittering tears in her eyes before she stepped out.

Some things started making sense to me, except for her last sentence. There was something she was still hiding and I sensed it was for a good reason. Since I couldn't get answers from her, maybe I could get from Mr. Handsome over here. "So... what's a stud guy like you working under her for?" 

He chuckled and, I must say, left me completely mesmerised. The delightful tune slipping out of his lips made my gaze travel down his body. His biceps bulged out of his black faux leather jacket despite wearing a black solid colour t-shirt underneath it. My gaze trailed down his visible abs popping out from his t-shirt until the sudden stillness in the atmosphere drew me back to his face, and a 'I-caught-you-staring' smirk played on his chapped cupid's bow lips. My cheeks exploded in different shades of pink as I averted my gaze to my fingers.

"Nothing a gorgeous lady like you should worry about. It's my business after all, not yours." A mischievous glint twirled in his eyes. I was taken aback from hearing the word gorgeous from his mouth, but his last words infuriated me. He knew I was onto him. I let it slide and decided to probe information about him

"Oh c'mon, it's not a crime to want to know more about you, is it?" I said, twisting a strand of my hair around my fingers—my awful attempt at flirting, which I hoped would work. He got to his feet and dusted himself off. His next action threw me off course, and I was left dumbfounded. 

"Nice chat. We'll continue this another time, hopefully," he smiled and ambled out, leaving me to stare at his broad back. 

You've got to be kidding me. Did he just walk out on me? was my flirting that bad?!

I was so flushed with embarrassment, I placed my palms over my face and screamed internally. "You okay?" Adira's voice snapped my hands back to my side as I forced a faint smile, hoping she didn't catch on to what had happened during her absence. 

"Yes, I am," I said in a high-pitched tune. I berated myself of how obvious I was.

"If you say so," she walked towards me and stretched her hands out to me, I placed my hands over hers and was jerked off from the ground. I was startled by her sudden action, throwing her a puzzled look, but she returned it with a smile instead. "I need to know just how strong you are, without any other factor involved," she said while circling me and stopped in front of me. She set her two feet apart with her fist tightened and raised to her shoulder level. 

I gulped. 

Do I really have to do this again? 

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