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(Mistakes are there .)


ะแ 7 months later แะ

3rd person's pov :

"Salin .... Salin ....."

Beam calls out of his lungs . He is searching Salin for fifteen minutes but Salin is nowhere to be found .

"Is he giving you hard time again ?"

Beam looks at his back "Makani ! Where are you comming from ?"

" Temple ! " Makani smiles .

"Oh !" Beam nods .

"So , what are you doing here ?"

"Ah ... Salin is hidding somewhere from me . I don't know where ! He is not in heaven's garden too ." Beam looks around .

" Oh my god ! Again ? " Makani asks with a frown .

"He was there ... just .. I don't ..

"Beam taking care of Salin doesn't mean .. doing slavery of him . Have you seen yourself in the mirror ?" Makani cuts Beam's words in frustration .

Beam shakes his head while smiling "Makani , I am completely fine .."

" I am seeing that . " Makani scolds . "Go , take care of yourself and spend some time with Forth . I hardly see you two together these days . "

"But .... "

"No buts ! I will take care of Salin today . You go ! IT's Makani's order ! " Makani states firmly .


Beam looks at the mirror of his room again . He smiles happily . Will Forth be happy ? After how many days , he has time for Forth ?

Since Phayo's marriage Forth decided they will not be physical anymore . So what ? They had good talks and quality time even after that . But since last one month , Forth is always busy and Salin is taking Beam's most of the time . So , after almost thirty days it is ... of course , Forth will be supppeerrrr happy .

Beam skips two or three steps while walking towards Forth's room . He is soo much excited to surprize Forth .


"We are sorry , New prince ! You can't enter the room , now . It's king's order ."

Beam frowns as two guards stop him outside Forth's room . "Tell him , I am here ."

The guards lowers their head "we are not allowed to enter too ."

Beam frowns harder "what the hell ? Move aside ."


"Beam , stop crying na ... you know it's not like that ." Kit pats softly on Beam's back .

Beam sniffs "he knows I am trying hard . Yet he ..."

Kit sighs "Beam , you know that he loves you and he is not doing anything with anyone else ."

"And you know what they say these days ! Don't you ? They say Forth is bored with me . He has done playing with me . He is now into his two new minister ."

"King is not into them . It's just rumours ." Kit replies .

"Then what Park was doing in his room ? They were sitting side by dide on his bed and even .. even they told the guards not to allow anybody inside ." Beam shouts while sniffing more .

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