failed plAns

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(Mistakes are there )

Again , just because I am posting it back to back within 12 hours ! You can't skip prev chapter !

Vote for that too 😈😈🥺🥺 !!


3rd person's pov :

Beam's eyes widens in shock "YOU ?"

"Yes ! Me ! Shocked ?"

Beam jumps out of the bed "WHAT THE HELL , SHABIB ?"

Shabib sits on thee bed carelessly "what , babe ? "


" How ? " Shabib smirks "let me show you how ? Come on ! Come here " Shabib points on his lap " I promise you more pleasure than Forth . "

Beam frowns . He looks around . There is no sword . He can't fight without sword against Shabib because .. One , he is not good at wresling . Two , Shabib is of double size of him . He looks at the door . He needs to go out of the room .

"Are you thinking of escaping ?"

Beam looks back at Shabib hearing his voice "I am your brother in law ."

"Yeah yeah ! Unfortunately , you are . But .. if you can do it for Forth then why not for me ? Huh ?" Shabib stands up .

Beam looks at the exit . He was about to run but Shabib holds him by his wrist .

Beam turns around only to punch Shabib's stomach . The grip on his wrist loosens .

Beam shouts "guards ... guar.... ummm ."

Shabib grins "one small punch and you think I am out ? Na na na .. babe , today ..ouch .."

Beam bites on Shabib's palm which was covering his mouth . Beam blows a punch again . this time Shabib falls on the ground .

Beam panics . He needs to run before Shabib stands up . He turns around only to get hit by a firm chest . He looks up . "Forth .."

Forth looks at Beam in confusion . He saw Beam punching Shabib when he entered the room . But why ... Forth frowns "what happened , Beam ?"

"N...nothing , King . Prince is just angry with me for not taking care of his sister ." Shabib answers from the ground .

Beam looks at Shabib in disbelieve "Forth , he .. he is ..

"What Beam ?" Shabib asks Beam . "Did I do something wrong with you ?"

Beam looks at Shabib . He remembers the touch , the grip on his hair , his moan . He crings his disgust .

Shabib smirks .

Beam looks at him with a frown .

"Beam ?"

"Forth ...forth .. he .. he tou..." Beam stops looking at Forth .

"What ?" Forth asks softly .

Beam panics . He looks into Forth's eyes . Why can't he say Shabib touched him . Why he feels dirty . Will Forth feel same too about him ? He panics more .

Forth frowns "baby ?"

Beam shakes his head "n..nothing ."

"I told you , brother . He couldn't control his emotions . It's ok . We are good , now ." Shabib smiles from Beam's back .

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