3. Gift

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3rd person's pov :

"What the hell were you doing there ?" The queen shouts at Beam .

"I didn't do anything , I was just telling the truth ." Beam shouts .

"I am not talking about that . That is your father's concern . Tell me what were you doing like that ?"

"Like what ?" Beam frowns .

"Like in his arms !" The queen looks at Beam with great discomfort .

Beam frowns . "First , I was not in his arms , he trapped me there to hurt me . Second , we are both man , Mother . It's not like ..."

"In Jaturs things happen between two men ." Queen sighs "stay away from him ."

"What do you mean by things happen ?" Beam asks .

"You are of twenty one , Beam . Understand ."

"But Mother , how is it even possible ?" Beam frowns .

Queen frowns the blinks "I have some jobs to do . Bye Beam ."

Beam keeps frowning "between two men ? How ? Where ?"


Forth smiles at Beam's sister politely at dinner table "you like my brother in law ?"

Persia blushes .

"Ok ! I got my answer . Then what is your final decision about this proposal King Bekinsore ?" Forth asks .

King stays silent for sometimes then " Is there any option to oppose ?"

Forth raises his one eyebrow "Yes ! You can oppose after you train your soldiers properly . They can't even see the opponent's move properly , I worry all of them will die in battle field ."

"Are you threating us ?" Beam stands up while slamming the table hard .

" BEAM ! " his father shouts . "SIT DOWN , BEHAVE ."

Beam express his protest with his facial expression but sits down .

"We will take preparation for the marriage ." Beam's father smiles thinly .


"Can you go with Persia ?" Beam's father asks the 11th maid the same question next morning .

" Your highness , pardon me .. you can take my life , I will happily give it to you but don't ask me to do that , I can't . "

Beam's father , the king of Balansettia sighs .

Beam bites an apple with fumming anger "even maids can see what my sister can't ."

The king Bek sighs again "call the concubines now ." Bramis don't like the idea of concubine but still , they have two for special purpose .

Two beautiful young girl enters the room where the King , queen and Prince of Balansettia is sitting .

"Your highness ." They greeted king together .

"I think both of you already know , that Princess Persia is going to marry one of the Jaturs in the palace and she is going to live there after her marriage ?"

Both of them nods .

"My question is simple . There is no force . If you want it , say yes and if you don't then say no ." King continues "will any of you go there with Persia as a gift to Jaturs Empire ?"

One concubine shakes her head hurriedly . "I can't , your highness ."

Other somehow stays silent .

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