Bramis promise

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Mistakes are there !


3rd person's pov :

Beam sits on Forth's bed slowly with the help of Kit . "Thank you , Kit ."

"It's ok , Beam . You have been in bed rest for almost one week . It's ovious that you want some freah air ." Kit smiles thinly .

Beam looks at Kit's tired yet paniced face . He sighs . It's been three days since Ming left saying the war will end soon but ...

"Are you ok ?" Beam asks Kit softly .

Kit fakes a smile again "I am . I am quite busy , you know ... I am helping Yo and P'Pha to treat the soldiers . I don't even have time to think about Ming .."

Beam chuckles "Ming is fine and he will be fine . Don't worry ."

Kit nods "I know . Everybody will be fine . Nothing can happen to Ming . If ..."

"Kit !" Beam cuts kits words .

"Huh ?"

"If being in medic tent , keeps your heart at ese , then you should go there . You don't have to be here with me . I will stay , maybe sleep here for sometimes ." Beam caresses the pillow on the bed .

"B.. but Beam , I never said that . Why .. "

" Kit ! I know why you are helping Pha and Yo . You treat the soldier but keep looking at the gate . What if Ming comes back getting injured ? What if Ming needs you there ? " Beam smiles "that's the only thing I see on your face these days .. "

Kit blinks . A tear escapes from his eyes "I h
...hate this , Beam .. w..hen it will end ?"

"Soon !" Beam replies calmly . "Now go back to your work . You are not my personal slave .... gooo . "


Beam looks around Forth's room after Kit went back to medic tent . He sighs . It's been seven days .. he hasn't seen Forth . But It feels like years .

He remembers his first night in Forth's room . When he sneaked into Forth's room thinking Forth was asleep . But Forth was not .

He chuckles . Everything seemed so wrong back then .... but now .. he feels like , he will do anything to get back those days .

"Missing my husband ?"

Beam looks at the entrance "Raveena ?"

Raveena walks in the room "who else ? Now Forth has only two wives .. me and P'Salina .. but ... P'Salina is not in proper count .. so , it's only me ! Right ?"

Beam frowns "what are you doing here ?"

Raveena laughes "why am I doing here ? In my husband's bedroom ?"

Beam slowly stands up holding the bed . "Raveena .. I am not in the mood of your game . Do you want anything from me ? Ask directly ."

"Oh really ? Ok then ! I want Forth . Give me that ." Raveena walks past Beam to sit on the bed exactly where Beam was sitting .

Beam turns around to face Raveena "Forth is not a thing which I can give you . Forth is a human . He has his own opinion ."

Raveena nods "I know that . "

Beam frowns harder "what do you mean ?"

Raveena smirks "I mean .. I know what you are trying to say . You are saying Forth has choosen you over me . Right ?"

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