the truth

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3rd person's pov :

Raveena stands in front of Beam's room and glares at the guard "why can't I enter ? And how dare you stop me ? You know who I am ? I am the headqueen of King . You want to die ?"

The guard lowers his head "I am sorry Queen . But it's King's order . Nobody is allowed to enter . New prince is sleeping .

"I am not just nobody . That's order is not applicable for me . Move ..." Raveena shouts .

"I am sorry queen but I can't ."

"YOU !!!" Raveena was about to slap the guard when Forth comes back from P'Salina's room .

The maid who informed about the poision that day doesn't live inside the palace . And today she is on night duty ... so , she will come at night .

Even though Adka wanted to summon her from her house but Forth opposes the idea . He doesn't want to give a hint of their doubt to anybody .

"What's the fuse , Raveena ?" Forth stands beside Raveena .

"This stupid guard is prohibiting me to enter the room ." Raveena shouts .

"So ? " Forth frowns .

"So ?! What So ..."

"This is not your room Raveena , why do you want to enter ?" Forth asks .

"Fo ... I mean King , Why I can't I ? I .. I want to talk to Beam ." Raveena slutters .

"Well, 1st ..Beam is sleeping now .. he can't talk to you . 2nd .. Beam is sick . Until he is completely well , nobody is allowed to visit him except P'Salina and Adka ." Forth states .

"Why .."

"I am affraid that I will not give you an explaination , Raveena . " with that Forth enters Beam's room .


Beam looks at Forth as soon as Forth enters his room .

Forth smiles "you are awake ?"

Beam nods . Forth sits on the bed beside Beam . "So , how are you feeling ? Good ?"

Beam nods again .

It's akward .

"Urrhmm hmm " Forth clears his voice .."umm Beam .."

"Hmm ?"

"Want to go somewhere ?" Forth asks . .

"Where ?"

"To a part of the palace . It's a beautiful part and my favourite ." Forth looks at Beam .

Beam nods "ok ! "

"Then , we can go tomorrow . Tonight , I have some jobs to do ." Forth replies .

"What job ?" Beam asks in a low voice .

Doesn't matter how akward it is , how random it is .. always Beam's curiosity gets his best .

"You will know . I may call you there for help ." Forth states while standing up .

"Where are you going ?" Beam asks hurriedly .

"To bring your food . First you will eat , then I will leave for my job ."


Forth enters Salina's room with Adka after dinner . Gul , Makani and Salina is already there . Salin is sleeping on bed .

Makani stands up seeing Forth "Forth , what is happening ? I am so confused . Was it a trap for Beam ? My god ! I have behaved sooo bad with him !"

"Mother , calm down ." Forth walks towards Makani and hugs her .

"Forth , the maid is here ." Adka says from the back .

Forth breaks the hug and sits on a chair beside his mother "let her in ."


"What's your name ?" Gul asks to the maid .

Adka frowns "she already knows that , she just want to be dectective." He whispers to Forth .

"Shut up .. you know she loves to act that she knows everything , which is true too . " Forth whispers back .

"Hamida !" The maid gulps .

"You gave the information that Beam poisioned Forth's food , right ?" Gul asks again .

"It's going to take all night like this ." Adka mumbles with deep sigh .

" y..Yes ! "

"Can you tell me Hamida , what happened that day ?" Salina asks this time .

"Y...yes queen .. t..that day , I had morning duty . So, I came and worked at the palace since morning . T..then when was time to lunch , I saw a..a empty bottle of poision at the kitchen . And Then I informed King ." Hamida says .

"You didn't see Beam mixing the poision ?" Gul asks .

"Noo .. I was l..late ."

"Then how did you know that it's king's food what had been poisioned , not others ?" Salina asks calmly .

" h..he is the king . So , So I guessed ."

"You didn't guess , you were sure of it . I still remember that day ." Forth growls "And I don't have entire night , Hamida ... tell us the truth or let me cut you tongue so that you can never say lie ."

Hamida panics "k..king .."

"Adka , bring my sword ." Forth shouts .

"It's with you ." Adka states firmly .

Forth closes his eyes . 'Calm down , calm down .. you can cut Adka's head any other time .' Forth opens his eyes ..

"Are you telling the truth now ?" Forth asks again .

Hamida brusts in tears "I am sorry king .. I am really sorry . I didn't want to do it . someone forced me and ."

"Speak clearly , Hamida .. what have you done ?" Makani asks in fear .

" I .. i .. King , that day .. I was working in the kitchen when suddenly new prince came and gave me a empty bottle of poision . He said to me , he has mixed that poision in your food and he wanted me to stop you from eating the food ."

Forth shocks . Makani frowns harder .

"When I refused to help or trust him , he gave me . So , I agreed w..without any questions ."

Forth grits his teeth "so , you did as he said ? Why didn't you tell me this , when I was feeding the cat that food ? When he was transferred in D-palace ?"

Hamida gulps "I ..I want to tell you , King but I..I was forced to k..keep my mouth shut .."

"Who ? Who fored you ?" Adka asks .

The maid stays silent .

"HE ASKED WHO FORCED YOU ?" Forth shouts .

"King , King .. I can't say that person's name ... wouldn't me .. but that ...person was t...there since the beginning .. s..she heard conversation with prince ." Hamida wails

"W..when New prince l..left , She came ...a..and Forced to b..blame new prince completely ."

It's a woman then ... who is she ?" Salina asks calmly again .


"WHO IS SHE HAMIDA ?" Makani shouts even louder than Forth . Salin flinches in his sleeps .

Hamida falls on the ground crying helplessly "H...Headqueen ."


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