Maham is here

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3rd person's pov :

Beam wakes up early in the morning with Salin in his arms . He looks at his side . Forth is sleeping beside him peacefully with one arm on Salin's back .

Beam sits on the bed silently . He waited till late night yesterday for Forth to come back . But after midnight he fell asleep . He really wants to know why Forth was so happy yesterday ...

"What are you thinking ?"

Beam turns his face towards Forth "again ? When do you sleep ?"

"I don't .. I am king ." Forth also sits beside Beam carefully .

Beam shakes his head . "But you should sleep atleast sometimes . Even you have eyebags today ."

"Really ?" Forth whines "oh no ..! Maham is comming today . I can't look bad . "

Beam frowns . Forth hurriedly turns on the bed and places his head on Beam's lap . "I have one hour only . Make me sleep ."

Beam rolls his eyes but rakes his fingers on Forth's hair "who is Maham ?"

Forth smiles with closed eyes "I haven't mention her to you right ? You will see , when she comes . Now , don't talk . I have to remove my eye bags ."

.................. .

"Salin ! Forth ! Salin !!! "

Salina enters the room while shouting from outside . .

Beam looks up "good morning P'Salina ."

"Good morning Beam . They are not awake yet ?" Salina asks hurriedly .

Beam looks at Forth whose head is still on his lap . He blushes ." P' .."

"Come on , Beam ! Maham will be here in an hour . Wake them up . They haven't bathed yet ! Salin !!! Wake up .." Salina says hurriedly .

Beam nods "Forth !! Forth ... wake up .."

" Hmmmmmmm !" Forth hums in his sleep .

"Forth , Maham is here !" Salina states .

Forth jumps and sits on the bed ."don't lie like this P' . I will have an attack ." Forth pouts .

Salina laughes "go , take a bath now .. if you want to welcome her at the gate ."

Forth stands up "P' do I look good ?"

"You are always the most beautiful in her eyes , Forth .. you know it ." Salina smiles .

"Yeah ! That' right !" Forth grins cheerfully . "Bye bye .. going to take a bath .."

Beam who was watching the drama silently , frowns hard . Whoever this Maham is , why she makes Forth that much happy ?

"P'Salina ... who is Maham ?" Beam asks after Forth leaves .

"You don't know about Maham ?" Salina frowns " though we don't talk about Maham that much after She left the palace eleven years ago , because it makes Forth sad ."

Beam frowns harder . She was there eleven years ego ... she was here when Forth was a prince .. not a king ?

Beam looks up again .

Salina smiles "You should take a bath too , Beam . Then be ready . When we will wait for her at the gate , I will tell you about her ."

Though Beam wanted to know about Maham now but he nods to Salina in the end .


Beam comes out of his room wearing a sky blue robe which is dark blue in shades at the the bottom .

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