15. Backstab

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3rd person's pov :

Beam's mother didn't talk to him for the rest of that day , but when it was the time for their depurture , suddenly she wanted a private talk with Beam . After the talk , she left .

It's been ten days after that incident but Beam still remembers it vividly .


"Mother , I swear I didn't sleep , I mean ....serve Forth ." Beam says in a crack and tired voice .

"Forth's First wife said the same thing to me ." Ersia replies coldly .

Beam looks at his mother with a little hint of hope "P'Salina ? She is right , Mother . It's the truth ."

"Then , should I consider he is still your enemy ? And you are trying to keep your promise to me ?"

Beam freeze hearing his mother's words . He had almost forgot that promise .

"Mother , can I say .. Forth is my friend now ?" Beam asks .

"Is he ?" Ersia stands up .

"Mother , don't be angry .. please ." Beam panics and he stands up too . "Mother , he is not a bad person as we thought of him .. really ."

Beam holds his mother's hand "mother , he is good at heart ... we just have some prejuice about him , which is not ....."

"Will you keep your promise or not ?" Ersia cuts Beam's words .

Beam gulps "mother , we don't backstab .. we fight face to face ."

"We don't break our promise too , Beam . We keep our promise at any cost ." Ersia looks directly in Beam's eyes .

Beam trembles "Mother ......"

"I swear on god ...

Dear my master , my lord .... ,

If my son doesn't fulfil his promise , if he breaks his promise , if he couldn't be true to his words within a forthnight ...
Then, don't take his blame , blame me instead , I couldn't raise my son properly .

Don't hurt him , don't punish him ..take me instead . I will happily give my life to you ."

Ersia chants loudly with closed eyes .

Beam looks at his mother in disbelieve "Mother , you are ....

"I told you it was my last wish that day ." Ersia opens her eyes "and I meant it ."

Tears fall on Beam's cheeks .

"Now it's upto you , Beam . Decide whether you want your mother or you want Forth " Ersia stops for sometimes then she adds "alive ."


Beam comes out of flashback with cold sweats on his temple . He looks at Forth's bowl of rice and curry . Forth is holding the spoon already to eat . Beam gulps . He takes his spoon too .

Forth scopes a spoon full of rice . Beam's heart almost stops . He closes his eyes and also takes a scope of rice from his own bowl too .

Forth takes the spoon close to his own open mouth . Beam also copies the gesture but before any of them can take the rice , a maid runs inside king's room .

"KINNNNGGGG ." The maid shouts "DON'T EAT . IT HAS POISION ."

Beam closes his eyes tightly .

"What the hell !" Forth frowns . "What are you doing here ? How can you enter like ... "

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