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(Too much of angst right ? Let's be fluffy today !! Whatever ! Mistakes are there !!)


3rd person's pov :

Beam climbs on the bed and takes Salin's small head in his lap . He feels the heat from Salin's body . He frowns in fear .

"Pha ... candy isn't moving ..!" Beam looks up as soon as he hears Forth's voice . Pha is healer of this palace . Even though , He isn't Forth's relative .. he stays in wind palace which is why he can come in any emergency in no time .

Pha walks towards a bed and looks at Salin with a frown "did his allargies appear again ?"

"No ... b..but the previous ones are not healed yet ." P'Salina replies in between her sobs .

"Did he vomit blood again ?" Pha asks .

Beam frowns 'blood ?'

" H..he did , couple of hours ago .. but then I gave him your paste , and he was better , even his fever was down a little then ."Forth replies this time .

Pha sighs and sighs Beam to place Salin on bed completely .

Beam moves a little and gently places Salin on bed . Pha holds Salin's wrist to check his nerves .

Pha leaves Salin's hand after sometimes . "He is tired from the sickness . He doesn't have any strength of moving . But ... I think he has rocovered a little ."

Forth blinks "really ?"

Pha nods "yes ! He did ! but I told you before , he needs a perfect antidoze to fight with the poision in his blood , otherwise the fever will not go down ."

"Poison ?" Beam asks Pha before looking at Forth "you said he has some unknown fever ?"

"Yes ! He has .. but I recognised the fever is from food poisioning . He ate something poisionous to his body .and that explains his weird allergies too ." Pha states .

"Weird allergies ?" Beam looks at Salin "where ?"

Pha removes clothes from Salin's chest . "See ! He has this all over his bodies ."


"Beam , where age you going ? And why are you dragging Pha with you ?" Forth runs behind Beam who is dragging Pha outside the dream palace after seeing Salin's weird allergies with a shocked expression .

Beam drags Pha with all his strength .

Pha looks at Forth helplessly . He doesn't know what is happening . Shouldn't he treat Salin now ?

Forth runs faster and stands in front of Beam "stop ! Where are you going ?"

"To D-Palace ! Moovveee ..." Beam pushes Forth and drags Pha again .

Forth runs again behind them .


Beam paces around a room with frustration "what kind of an useless king you are where are they ?"

Forth frowns "where are who ? Who is a small cute boy ? Every boy here is cute ."

Beam looks back at Forth amused "seriously ? You son is sick there and you and finding every boys cute , here ?"

Forth frowns harder . He looks at Pha . But Pha looks even more confused than him . Forth sighs "Beam , is it urgent now ?"

Beam growls "of course ! It is .. I am here for antidoze . Just Find him.. "

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