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3rd person's pov :

Beam looks at Forth in awe . "Whhoaahh , underground way ? Where does it go ?"

Forth chuckles "you will see . But wait , walk slowly . It's dark ."

Beam beams happily "you know ? We have underground way in Balansettia too . But I have never seen it . It's only for girls ."

"Girls ?" Forth asks .

" Yes , they use it to escape when their king loses war . " Beam informs .

"Oh !" Forth takes a left turn "come here , now we will go up ."

Beam follows Forth behind .

Forth pushes a black lid with his right hand and Beam sees a blue sky above them .

"Carefull , come up ." Forth orders while climbing up himself .

Beam also comes out of underground hole and and falls on green grass . He looks around . There is a square field covered with light green grass in the middle . And the field is surronded by ...

(A/n : Idk how to describe what's in my mind in words . So I am adding a picture . I want to say a place like this )

 I want to say a place like this )

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"How is it ? " Forth asks .

"Lively .. and beautiful . What part is this ?" Beam asks . He is still sitting on the grass .

"This is the only part of the palace , made by me . It's Lovepalace ." Forth sits beside Beam .

Beam looks around . Cool breeze hits his face "It's peaceful . Why haven't you said about this palace before ?"

Forth smiles "Because , nobody knows about this palace except me and Adka . We made it in silence ."

Beam looks at Forth ,"you know ? That's why people misunderstand you . You keep too many secrets . "

"Like why ? You created love palace and you roam around saying that you don't have a heart , you don't love anyone and all other shits ." Beam huffs .

Forth laughes "you didn't ask me why I call it lovepalace ?"

Beam frowns "there is a another reason except this palace is beautiful ? What ?"

Forth looks around "luchiiiii , lily , Sujiii , cosmo , Humbuuuu ...come .."

Beam looks around . Soon one elephant , a dog , a pigeon and two cats including Beam's humbu stand in front of them . .

Beam froze . " ..." Beam's eyes become teary . He looks at Forth "H..he ..

"Is completely fine and I think he got a girlfriend ." Forth points at a female cat who is trying hard to avoid Humbu ..

Beam chuckles with teary eyes and takes Humbu in his lap . "Buu .. humbuuu .... I love you ... " Tears escape from his both eyes .

Forth takes his dog in his lap . "You ok ? Cosmo ... did lily disturb you ?"

The bog barks loudly .

Beam looks at Forth "who is lily ?"

"The pigeon . She has her other friends here . But she loves Cosmo a little more than others ." Forth smiles .

Beam points at the baby elephant who is now trying to sit in front of Forth "he ?"

"She ! She is Luchii And .....your humbu's girlfriend is Suji ." Forth replies .

Beam stares at Forth sometimes "I saw Humbu eating that food . How did you ...

"Dandrobium is not poisionus for cats . It's like grass to them . You know , like the way cat eats grass and pukes after to clean their stomach , Dandrodium works like that . " Forth states "it just cleaned humbu's stomach ."

Beam blinks "T..thank you ..Forth .."

Forth smiles and cups Beam's face "I am sorry Beam .. I am reaally sorry ."

Beam shakes his head like a child "it's not your fault . It was never your fault .."

Forth smiles "hmm ?"

Beam nods .

Forth looks at Beam's red lips . It has formed a pout as Forth has cupped Beam's face . Forth looks up into Beam's eyes .

Beam blushes and averts his gaze .

Forth chuckles "wanna see around my own palace ?"

Beam pouts as Forth releases his face . What's wrong with him . What else did he expect ? "Yeah .. I would love to ."

"Let's go !" Forth stands up .


Beam jumps around the empty palace like a child and Forth follows him silently .

Suddenly Beam stops "Forth , someone is here ?" He whispers .

Forth laughes "they are here to give my pets food and take care of them . You don't need to whisper ."

" Oh ! " Beam sighs . "I thought your uncle ..
Beam stops again . He remembers Ming's words .

"Now what ?" Forth asks .

Beam turns to looks at Forth "this is the only palace you have made ?"

Forth nods "yes ! Why ?"

Beam frowns "..n..nothing ."

Forth looks at Beam carefully then he walks ahead slowly "I told you already , I didn't make D-palace . "

Beam shocks "how did you know ?"

"After all of these incident , I think I am getting to know you better . I can read you a little , now ."

Beam walks and stands in front of Forth "Ming said , you confessed .....

"I had no other way Beam . " Forth cuts Beam's words .

"My uncle was unmarried . So Ming was a ... umm .. mistress's child with my uncle . After the war , the mistress abandoned Ming . " Forth stops .

Beam gulps "Forth , you don't need to .." ..

"No , it's ok Beam . You know so many things already . " Forth chuckles "after my uncle's escape , I happily declared ... he made D-Palace . But soon , I came to know my other relatives wanted to make Ming a gigo and kill him as he is my uncle's illegitimate son . "

Beam frowns "but he was just a child ."

" Nobody cared that ... even P'Salina didn't protest . She didn't like Ming back then . It was ovious though .. Ming's father killed her husband . "

Forth sighs . "I was only 14 . Even though I became a king . I had no power against my relatives . There was only one way .

So I took back my words . I declared that my uncle was innocent and I made D-palace and I was the reason behind my innocent uncle's escape . "

"Nobody had dare to kill me or make me a gigo . I was a king , I am a king ." Forth looks at Beam softly .

Beam blinks . Again tears roll down from his cheeks "nobody knows about it too ?" He asks in a cracked voice .

"Adka knows , P'Salina knows , Mother knows , P'Gul knows and now you know .." Forth smiles softly and pulls Beam in his arms .

Beam hits Forth's chest lightly "what about Ming ? What about all the gigos in D-Palace ? What about the people who lives in your kingdom ?" Beam cries hard .

"They all hate you . They misunderstand you . Why you have to bear with these hatred ?" Beam hits Forth's chest lightly again . .

"Because I am the King , Beam . I am the King ."


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