.-. First words at age sixteen .-.

Start from the beginning

Before Tommy fully left the view of the living room, he let out one more loud chuckle at Wilbur, turning the corner without another sound.

To say Techno and Phil were shocked wouldn't even describe how they felt.

oompa loompa do ba de do- don't question me

The second time Tommy made a noise, was after he turned eleven.

It was technically the same thing as last time. Except it wasn't his adorable giggles. It was his actual laughter.

His loud, contagious laughter that we all know and love as fans.

He was doing a relatively good job at keeping quiet. He never liked making noises, only letting some giggles out and some annoyed whines whenever Wilbur or Techno stopped playing with his hair.

Tommy was up in his room, on a FaceTime call with his best friend Tubbo. It confused everyone how Tommy and Tubbo even understood one another, considering Tommy doesn't even speak. But they have their ways.

"Yknow Tommy, you should consider meeting my friend Ranboo." Tubbo said, laying on his bed.

Tommy gave him a look, a look Tubbo knew as 'who is that?'

"Ranboo is really tall- it's actually scary. He's funny, talkative, he also plays Minecraft and is American! I'm not totally sure what that means though..." Tubbo said, the last part he said quieter but Tommy still heard it.

Tommy couldn't help but laugh out loud (hah lol) at Tubbo's statement, falling off his bed from rolling around.

Tubbo giggled along with him, not phased by the sound of Tommy laughing. He heard it a lot whenever Tommy went to his house and he ever wondered if the blonde's family had ever heard it.

Turns out, his question got answered as a confused Wilbur opened the door. He looked at the phone, waved to Tubbo before looking at the ground where Tommy was losing his shit.

Wilbur's eyes widened and he smiled really widely.

Tommy continued to laugh, only calming down seconds later. He rolled to his back, making eye contact with his older brother. He froze for a second, realizing his brother heard it.

But he just giggled again and got up, continuing to listen to Tubbo. Wilbur waved to him, he waved back and the door shut.


Tommy and Tubbo heard the shout from outside the door and broke into a fit of giggles again.

it's time, time to go to get the time we lost with time

Years later, Tommy's now sixteen. He's been with these three chaotic people for nine years. He can't believe it.

He didn't think he would last four months let alone nine whole years.

And he wouldn't take back a single thing.

He remained mute throughout the years, the other three used to hearing him chuckle and laugh, though the first time was always the most special.

Phil wanted to go on a walk. A simple, calming walk. His children had been inside for far too long, resulting in some....questionable decisions on their side of things.

There was a pond Tommy and Tubbo had found during one of their little adventures, as Tubbo called them. It was a beautiful and quiet place, actually. A great place for a picnic.

"Everyone have their water?" Phil asked, taking Tommy's from off of the counter and putting it in his backpack with some other snacks. He got two nods and a shout from Wilbur.

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