Jealous much: 9

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Vansh's pov

Riddhima was not at all happy when i invited her friend or colleague for dinner but i had to know things about her for the past month because she was knowing she was pregnant and i had to see that girl was safe or not.

Riddhima was not at all happy and ignoring me and making faces. When the waiter came he was shaking like a vibrator as if i had killed him. I would have loved to see my employee scared of me but not when riddhima is with me and she will misunderstand me so i asked for a female staff.

Riddhima doesn't like salads or in her words 'half cooked food' and so she asked me to order not knowing if the food will make her vomit or will be okay. The whole time she was just listening not speaking much. Smiling to herself or busy eating. I was shocked to know she proposed the thing 'kabir'. How can she be naive to understand he was looking for a moment when she will be under his command. Looking at her i could think she was so stubborn that she nearly destroyed 'us'. I myself destroyed the remaining good thing between us.
Next day

When i woke up today riddhima was not in my arms like last night when i pulled her towards me. She was facing the other side and hugging a pillow. She was pouting and her hair was spread all over the pillow and some strands were blocking her face. I tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

Last night i purposely didn't come in the room so she could do things and sleep the way she wants because she clearly doesn't want me in her bed but if she's asleep she wouldn't be able to say anything. I was watching her through the cctv of our room connected to my laptop. I know it's degrading personal space but she doesn't talk to anyone and is in the room always from the time she came and she being pregnant she could need something and some events can happen and I don't want to risk anything.

From one hour she was on her phone seeing things and sometimes smiling. It was pretty late and i noticed she hasn't taken her medicines also. I thought to go and give them to her when she rolled off the bed and dragged herself out of the room. She becomes very tired nowadays and i don't want her to work but she being ziddhima won't listen.

I saw that she moved to the kitchen. She is going to become fat in another one month only. Would she complain and cry like the internet states? She cooked noodles, her favourite. I think she can eat it whole day. After cooking she sat with siya and began talking with her. I'm happy that atleast there is someone with whom she is happily talking.

The next question siya asked struck me.

Will it be a girl or boy??

I never thought of it but now i think of it i hope it's a girl but whatever happens i would love it. But i won't do a mistake what i did in ishani's case, never let my child get spoiled and let them look down at people but at the same time not let them become naive like riddhima to get hurt. A person surely learns from their mistakes.

This made me remember the day when riddhima asked me if i used a condom or not. Remembering it makes me grin. It was the best moments of my life that i didn't had anything in mind. And i think god wanted it so it happened and now because of my child i could get a second chance to get back riddhima and i will .

She came back to room after eating and took her medicines. She went to the dressing mirror and applied lotion on her arms and then suddenly raised her top and carresed her stomach. I thought she was about to change so i was going to shut my laptop but she clicked a photo of it. It made me want to touch her and feel our child together. But I can't rush things.

Sighing i got up from the bed and went to washroom to get ready. When I walked out of the washroom after taking a shower i heard riddhima's phone was ringing. Not wanting to disturb her sleep i thought to cut the call but i think the call went off so i ignored it. I completed my shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and exited the bathroom but she was awake and busy in the call.

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