Suprises & pain: 2

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Vansh's pov

So she thinks we met in the party for the first time, she doesn't know she came infornt of my car & was about to die.

Vansh was frustrated hearing sejal & riddhima's words.

Vansh's pov

Now where is she planning to go after giving me so much pain. Damn it!Let her go wherever she wants i won't think about her.

He moves out to talk to sejal to make her know her limits though she was right in everything but she cannot boss around his family members. Though deep inside he just wanted to make her force riddhima to go with her because he will not be able to give pain to her as it hurts more to him only.

V- I thought about your plan & i agree to it but u have to make her leave.

Sejal- Sure. It will take a few days but u will get the results. I assure u

V- And yes don't talk to my family members the way u spoke today

Sejal- I won't step in also once my friend gets out of this hell.(she wanted to snap back at him but seeing his red anger filled eyes he restrained herself)
The doctor suggested that riddhima's presence can make siya wake earlier then why are u in such a hurry? As far as i know u are the most desperate to see her awake.

V- Your friend is enjoying the whole day in her room & not once visited siya so it's better she gets out of my house & secondly its better that she wakes slowly than getting healed quickly by her own killer, right?

Sejal- She was sick but leave it i will start to get her out from tomorrow but u need to put the nail first by sending that corrupt police to jail. Bye.

It was morning when riddhima was doing preparations for makar sankranti as given orders by vansh when police arrives & takes away kabir taking away one of reasons from riddhima to stay at VR Mansion. The whole time vansh ignored her making her feel a stranger to him. It was breaking her heart but he was masking her sadness.

The whole day she sat beside siya & thought about her life. What is left for her now. She was not weak to sucide as problems has been a friend for her having no one to help her.

Sejal's words made her go crazy. "Do whatever u want but don't let anyone trample your self respect" these words were small but its meaning was deep. Everyone was treating her like an invisible & Ishani disgusting comments.

It was evening time when she packed her luggage & moved out of this house which was once hers.

It has been 15 days since she left. Vansh got to know about her departure when he couldn't find anywhere & asked the guards who confirmed her leaving with her bags.He should be happy about it but no he wasn't, he always was thinking about her & felt guilty towards her sister because he couldn't hate riddhima thought she almost killed his siya. He drowned himself in work
to remove her thoughts from his memories but still he felt lonely & empty without her

Wheras riddhima has started her work back at the hospital. Yess she has started her work from hospital only but when siya met her at the cruise she wanted her to be her physiotherapist & vansh getting everything arranged at her hospital made her superior agree to his demands, a house physiotherapist for her sister. It was not riddhima was a great doctor she had started her work only six months before after completing her studies but siya, she was too traumatized by her being unable to walk & had shut her & denied treatments but meeting her she got too happy & saw a friend in riddhima & the rest is history.

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