decisions: 7

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It was morning vansh opened his eyes at the sound of his ringtone. He talked to the person and put his phone back on the side table and saw riddhima's face she was trying to turn around in her sleep. She had interwined her legs onto his and she was hugging him with her hands from his waist and her face was burried in his chest. When he felt she was opening her eyes he quickly closed his eyes.

Riddhima's pov

I felt some voices close to my ears which irritated me and i tried to move away but couldn't move. As i tried to open my eyes sun rays disturbed me and i rubbed my eyes to get a clear view. Vansh was lying beside me, more like he had caged me with his arms. I looked down and i was shocked i was naked and he had pressed his body against me.


R- Leave me u pervert.

I said pushing him off me but he didn't budge. So i started shaking him and he opened his eyes.

V- Sleep na why are u shouting

R- Leave me u pervert. Why did u touch me. I had warned u earlier.

V- First see properly. U are on my side

R- How dare u accuse me. Who told u that u can sleep on the bed with me. Sleep on the couch.

V- Irritating

R- leave me u pervert.

I shouted into his ears and he left me. I quickly wrapped the blanket around my body and went into the washroom while he chukled from behind making my blood boil in anger.

He wants to be dead by my hands then fine. I will fulfill his wish.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe as i didn't have clothes. I checked my phone and it was 8:30 am i only have half hour to reach for work and I don't have clothes.


And where are my clothes which i had wore yesterday. As i was combingy hair and waiting for vansh to come someone knocked on the door.

R- Come in

A maid entered with my bag. Did he bring my clothes. I will fight later for this i should get ready. I took my clothes out and went into the washroom to change. I walked out quickly and took my purse and phone and walked down into the hall. It was quite and only servants were seen. As i reached downstairs i saw everyone eating their breakfast and vansh was talking with angre in a corner. When did he get ready and took a bath, guestroom i guess. I got stares from Ishani and chachi.

Jealous bitch.

I took my phone out and booked a cab and started walking out. I was already late and i had 15mins to reach so i thought to eat from the canteen. Before i could go out vansh held onto my hands.

R- What?

V- Where are u going?

R- To die.

V- Riddhima!

God I'm getting late and here he wants to play 20 questions with me.

R- Work. My job. Hospital

V- Why do u need to work? Stay at home

R- No, i will work. If u have a problem then I don't care. I'm living here u should be happy with that only despite the fact i don't want u to be happy like your family.

I gave the fakest smile ever.

V- U need to rest .For god's sake your pregnant.

R- Many women work being pregnant and it's not I'm working for the first time. I used to treat your sister also, right?! Moreover i don't know when u will get frustrated of this kid and throw me out.

Falling for him againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant