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27- Toxic

Yoongi was staring at his father, completely paralyzed. His mind was assaulted by the violent memories of his childhood. 

His parents were obsessed with religion. They were extremists, puritans, their lives turned around Catholic dogmas but, with time, their obsession became creepier and creepier, violent, suffocating. Yoongi was the first child, he had to assist every time when their parents punished themselves,  flogging their flesh, forcing their little son to hear their screams, their pain. When Yoongi did something wrong, his father closed him into a dark and scary room, gashing his skin, leaving him without food.

Growing up, he became violent, deranged, dangerous. His family noticed he was weird, disturbed and did nothing but forcing him to go to church, to pray, to hurt himself for the forgiving of God. His behavior kept getting worse, his siblings were against him too, nobody seemed to be gentle and kind to him. His wrath was uncontrollable.

Until, one day, when he was still a kid, something happened. 

His mother and siblings died because of the fire, and it was his fault. He just left a candle in his room, on his piano, and one of the sheet music caught fire, then the wood of the piano too, until the whole house was completely wrapped in flames. 

He was too afraid to help his mother and siblings to leave that place, he just left, and stared at the house burning down, feeling pleasure as the fire got violent, but feeling a coward too because he didn't help his mother.

That day was the start of something even worse: he learned that his father committed suicide and was welcomed in a church, in which he discovered the Divine Comedy and became obsessed with it. The nuns and priests noticed how toxic he was, and how evil his mind could be, so they left him as soon as he turned 18. 
The whole situation, the whole relationship with his family was Toxic.

For years, he built his emperor, his Inferno. He was so ruthless, fearless, disturbed that he gained everyone's respect and became a dark figure for the whole country. Loved and hated. He saved lives by exchanging favors but was so cruel that he killed everyone who simply tried to be against him and tried to destroy his figure, his emperor. Soon he met the six boys, his plan was completed. He found the so well-known deadly sins, still obsessed by Dante's masterpiece.

But, now, he was exactly in front of his father who was supposed to be dead. His heart was shaking, he was clenching his teeth. His memories gave him a headache, he was struggling to not scream and express all of his angriness.

"Why aren't you dead?"He asked, holding the rope in his fists.

The old man laughed. "After your mother and siblings died, I had to distance myself from you"

Suga sighed.

"I kept observing you for years. I always knew you were the well-known Suga, and that the deadly sins worked for you. Did you have fun stealing people's souls?" The man in white kept giggling

Ira was incredibly annoyed. "You fucking abandoned me after your stupid shitty punishments, after you traumatized me with those extremists' self-destructive practices"Yoongi couldn't help but say those bitter words to his father.

"I never left you,  I was always there"

"You act like you're God, but you aren't! You're a psychopath! Tell me what the fuck you want!"Suga screamed, his face was turning red.

His father shook his head, then, looked at his right and pointed one of his henchmen. After a few seconds, two men in white brought Suji who had his wrists tied. They forced her to walk, tugging her weak body. Then, they pushed her to the floor.

When Suga saw her, his blood froze. His eyes widened. He thought Suji was safe, but those bastards kidnapped her too.

The girl was afraid, she was crying. 

"Yoongi..."She said. Her face was wrapped in sadness.

"Suji, why, what do you want from her?"He screamed, his throat started to hurt.

"She is not Suji. She is Purity, she is the end of your life"The girl's father appeared, with a bend on his head.
"You're smart so, little Purity, tell him what is happening"Her father pulled her hair, making her scream.

She was panting. "God gives us the...the free will, as your father did. He punished you when you rebelled against his whished. As Lucifer rebelled against God and built his own emperor, you had the chance to build your Inferno, with pride and wrath. As Lucifer and God, Father and Son, are enemies, you and your father are enemies now" Tristitia explained panting because of pain, because of fear.

She realized it as soon as she met her father, but Yoongi didn't listen to her.

"Why didn't you kill me before? You waited for me to build up my fucking emperor?"Suga asked

"God has his own time. I had to recruit faithful men. As the holy scriptures say, there will be a time in which God will defeat the Devil. God will reach the earth, in order to defeat Satan and purify the World"

Suji was shocked. She learned how disturbed that man was, how sick his mind was. He really thought he was God, he was clearly crazy, psycho. His extremist behavior was the proof. 

"You and your men will die, I will kill you. But first, you have to repent. You will be down on your knees and will give me all the prices you've earned in this whole time"The crazy man got closer to Yoongi, who seemed furious.

"I will never do that, I built my fucking Inferno, you won't steal anything!"Suga screamed, shaking his wrists, angry

His father smirked. "Proceed." 

After those words, Suji's father started to beat her up, kicking her in the stomach, making her scream because of pain. Suga started panicking, his eyes became bloody red, his body was burning because of angriness. No one had to touch his beloved Suji.

"Don't you dare touch her!"He screamed out loud, his veins were incredibly visible.

"If you don't obey, I will kill her and sacrifice her, "His father said, making Suga even more wrathful.

The boy shook his head, his eyes were wet. He finally understood why Suji was his death, that was because he was not ready to sacrifice her. They knew, they were using her and were manipulating Suga's emotions because they learned how much they cared about each other.

Even if they were trapped in a toxic relationship, they would have never renounced each other.

"Why are you doing this to me, I'm your daughter..."Suji whispered.

"I met Sir. Min years ago. He noticed how pure you were, but you were too little to remember. He wanted me to protect your purity, he gave me money. You belong to him, now, don't you dare call me dad!"He pulled her hair again, making her cry even more.

Suga was incredibly shocked after that truth. "You sent her to make her fall in love..."He whispered.

His father shook his head. "She was sent here to distract you and your Superbia. She fell in love and it wasn't in our plan"

Ira started panting, he was even more confused. Why was he talking about Superbia? What was really happening?

Suddenly, gunshot distracted everyone. The sins were finally here.

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