11- A vital debt

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11 - A vital debt

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes. His sight was blurry at first, it took a bit to become clear again. His head hurt very much, he kept moaning. He didn't know where he was, he was very confused. He rubbed his eyes gently and then noticed the angelic face near to him.

He started to stare at Suji: her eyes were so sad, her face was worried. She kept observing Suga nervously and, whilst, the black-haired boy was enchanted by that innocent beauty. "Am I in Heaven?" he kept whispering.

"Oh God, he opened his eyes!"The girl exclaimed, she seemed relieved.

Yoongi tried to stand up but ended up laying his back on the bed again. Suji got it and raised the backrest quickly.

"What am I doing here?"Suga asked, touching his hurting head.

Suji sat down.

"You hit your head on the ground because of that accident!"She explained.

Yoongi nodded, "I remember now"He stated, then sighed.
"So, you saved my life?"He asked and Suji nodded with a smile.

The girl suddenly put a strange expression on her face. Her eyes became a bit darker, her smile became creepy.

"Seems like you have a debt with me"

Yoongi heart skipped a beat. His eyes widened. He couldn't believe his ears. He never had to pay back someone in his life, it was his job to make favours and get prices in return. But the girl saved his life. For the first time, he was saved. For the first time, he had a debt. A vital debt.

Suji stood up. Her face was again decorated with that innocent and cute stare. 

"I'm going to visit you, I think you will be back home soon. Now I have to go, there are some people that want to visit you" She smiled slightly

Yoongi was shocked and confused at the same time. He felt his body being slowly wrapped with anger.

Suji left a quick and sweet kiss on Suga's head, then run away. That little gesture, made all of Yoongi's anger go away as if it never existed. He watched her carefully while she was leaving, filling his mind with thoughts.

Meanwhile, the 6 boys came to visit their head, Ira. They were a little worried about that accident. 
Namjoon was the first to enter the room but, a few seconds before he could open the door, Suji left the room, bumping accidentally on Namjoon.
The two of them started to look at each other faces: Namjoon was a bit captured by Suji and that pure face of hers, and Suji observed Namjoon with a strange expression. Both of them felt a little bit weird and surprised at seeing each other, they felt like they already met somehow.
The other boys also noticed her, they were scrutinizing her face and body. They found her appearance a bit unusual but captivating somehow.

However, she left in a hurry and the boys reached Suga, who was in the hospital's bed.

"Ira! How are you, what happened?"Jungkook asked, as soon as he stepped in.

"Low your voice, Luxuria"Namjoon said.

Suga sighed.

"I don't know how... that stupid car almost hit me"Ira started to feel angriness again.

"Hyung...don't you think it was premeditated?"Gola asked, eating his apple as always.

Accidia sat down, right next to Ira. Hoseok was a bit more worried that the others.

"I think it's her fault. She did that. I think someone is working for her too..."Suga's face started to become red. His hands were closed in a punch.

The members looked at each others' faces. They were very anxious because of that situation but were ready to defeat anyone who would have tried to steal their power.

"Actually, there is something that I should tell you"Accidia suddenly spoke. Everyone's attention was on him. 
"Someone stole the drugs..."Hoseok said, shocking the boys.

"How could it happen?"Avaritia asked.

"I don't know. I was waiting for the pills in Jungkook's nightclub, as planned. But the providers called me, saying the drug was gone"Accidia stood up, with an upset face. He was addicted to those pills, his job and role were checking the drug shop squares, which was one of the biggest businesses that brought a lot of money to them.

Ira was terribly angry. Someone dared to take away his stuff, someone was trying to boycott them.

"Go and find that fucking car, check the cameras that we put everywhere, you need to find it. I'm sure that all these things are related. Someone is trying to kill us, guys. I'm going to check Suji as soon as I go home"Ira almost screamed, full of wrath. His kingdom couldn't fall apart.

The members soon did what Ira said, except for Hoseok, who decided to check Suga and keep him company meanwhile he was hospitalized.


"The weapons are ready. Gola, did you find the place?"Superbia Asked, speaking through his black earphone.

Namjoon's role in the group was checking the weapons. 

"Yes, I'm sending the location,"Gola said, checking his computer. 

"Superbia, the helmets are ready, the motorbikes too, "Avaritia said, reaching Namjoon. 

"Fine, get on the saddle with me. You're going to ride the black and purple motorbike. Invidia is going to ride the green and black one. Luxuria shots, I shot. Clear?"
Avaritia nodded. He put the black helmet on and then went to pick the vehicle.

"Superbia, I'm going to monitor the view. Don't lose contact"Gola warned. His job was checking the cams and warning the member about the possible unseen enemies.

Soon, the four men got on the saddle, ready to make a noisy disaster, in order to stop the enemies who were trying to defeat them.

"The house with the red gate, your left"Gola said.

"Alright" Luxuria picked his gun and Superbia too. They started to shoot in the windows, the door, the car.

Soon, the enemies replied with their weapons too: they started to shoot bullets, trying to kill the four boys.

"Leave us alone, you suckers"Invidia screamed.

The people on the streets started to scream, afraid of the war, the weapons, the violence that was going on in that place. They were afraid of being killed, everyone ran away in order to keep themselves safe.

Some of the enemies were defeated, blood covered the house. The mission was successfully done but, something caught everyone's attention: a circle, who contained other circles in turn. At the center, there was this golden sphere. That symbol was familiar to the members.

"Gola, take a picture of the circle symbol. We're coming back"Invidia ordered and then came back to their mansion, causing again the fear of the peasants.

T O X I C [BTS]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora