7 - Yoongi

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7- Yoongi

Suga's story is quite weird and violent.
How did he become so powerful? It is something that will be seen later, but the most important thing that we have to know is that Suga is a stubborn man, and was a stubborn Kid.

He has always been strange, with violent thoughts, trying to control and manipulate others. People around him stayed as far away as they could, because of his violent behaviour and his ambiguous thoughts. He was quite scary, that is why he grew up lonely.

He was full of dark sides, his negativity wrapped him up and hit the persons around him.

He loved power thought, he was the incarnation of every Sin which existed on the earth. He was so proud and selfish, he only cared about himself and wanted to be respected, tamed. He was as cold as ice, but yet his eyes burned up everyone who dared to look at him.
He lost his true identity to create the "Suga" character, in order to not be recognized. 

Why the name Suga? He created a contrast: he knew how evil he was, so he choose a name that meant the exact opposite of his personality: Suga (from Sugar):  sweet and pleasant.

The only one who knew about him was his 6 friends. He never showed his face to anyone except for them.

Even though they worked for him and were close to him, Suga was seen as the Devil. They were puzzled knowing how powerful he was, how good he could manipulate and how perfectly he did his job to exchange favours, earning beautiful prices in return. 

Anyway, they were very careful: Suga was a very impatient person, he easily got angry, exploding in the deepest wrathful acts. His body and Soul were controlled by Wrath. He was incredibly violent, even though he was careful, attentive, clean, he lost his lucidity very quickly.
He turned into an actual Demon, with a furious gaze and deadly expression.


"Jimin, call the others, I have to talk to you all"Suga had an impassive tone all the time, this fact created a bit of anxiety in the other's hearts.

The younger nodded.

When the 7 were reunited, he sat on his desk and started to talk:

"We have to conclude affairs. Tomorrow, Choi WangSu, the owner of the richest hotel in South Korea, will sell his chain of all the luxury buildings. Taehyung will be helping me since he is my personal lawyer. But I want you to be careful as always, because our identities will have to remain secret"Suga sighed, "I also think he wants to fool me, we will have to kill him if he does"
He started walking around the room.

"I already prepared the guns, as you wished, Yoongi-Hyung, "Namjoon said

Suga's eyes started to look at Namjoon furiously. He was trying to calm himself after the way the younger one called him.

"How many fucking times have I to say that you can't call me Yoongi?"He screamed full of angriness.

Namjoon sighed, he didn't like it when the older overacted.

"You have code names: Superbia, Luxuria, Accidia, Invidia, Gola, Avaritia. These are the names we use when we are outside, in order to not be discovered. In this house, only I can call you with your stupid birth names, you have to call me Suga, sucker!"He screamed even more. "I hate repeating things!"He hit the desk with a kick, he really couldn't control himself.

Jungkook immediately tried to calm him down.

"I'm very sorry for him, don't mind him. We all know how we have to call you: you are Suga here, and IRA outside"

Yoongi calmed his hot spirit and sighed, then smiled. "Ira, It suits me so well"He laughed then looked at himself in the mirror. 

He touched his red scar positioned on his right eye. 

Every one of them had a scar on their body: Yoongi personally hurt them in different spots on their bodies, in order to create a mark. This was satisfying for his ego: that sign meant that the 6 men belonged to him, that they felt the same pain as he did. However, his scar wasn't made on purpose like he did to the others.

"Don't you think you are too obsessive with these 7 deadly sins thing?"Hoseok laughed.

Yoongi looked at him giggling.

"You act like you don't like being associated with the mortal sins. You know that each one of you is the personification of one of the human's evil side"

He was right. Each one of them was the pure essence of cruel thoughts. 
That was the reason why they were so tamed in the country and loved the chaos.

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