4- Hoseok

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4- Hoseok

"You're here again, Hoseok"

Hoseok swallowed nervously after Suga said that.

"I-I need..."

"I already know what you need. This is the 2nd time you come and ask me for money"
Suga said calmly, but yet with a scary voice.

Hoseok was a cheerful guy. He was always smiling, but that was only for the outside.

He felt guilty because of his most terrible sin: sloth.
He was a failure. A complete failure to his parents.

When he was younger, his parents had to pay a big amount of money to cover up the disaster that he made: he was too drunk to drive the car but yet he broke the rules and fell asleep while driving. He had an accident, he hit another car, causing almost the death of the other person.

Since then, his parents struggled with money.

He tried to solve the debt by doing different jobs. When he finally had all the money he needed to pay the check, he got through a strange situation.

He was in a club with his friends when he tried, for the first time, drugs. 
Those pills made him so happy, he felt good and excited. He soon got addicted to drugs.

He spent all of his money on narcotic substances and failed into helping his parents again.

That is when he visited Suga and asked for money. But, yet again, he spent all he had to have fun. He was so selfish and cared about his pleasure only.

His parents left him, they kicked him out of the house. He slept on the streets, he couldn't eat properly. He didn't have a job, he was too lazy to have one. He only cared about his pills.

But then, he finished his money again. He was desperate, he needed to assume drugs, he couldn't live without them.

"You want money again, don't you? you want to waste your pathetic life on those stupid pills?" Suga laughed hard and Hoseok felt offended but was too scared to clap back.

"I just need money"

"What are you going to give me now?  Those useless promises of yours aren't enough"

Hoseok sighed.

"I have nothing, I don't have a house or money, what can I do?"
He felt so desperate.

Suga giggled.

"I really like the fact that you care about your drugs only. You don't care about your parents or other people"
Suga's deep voice became creepy.

Hoseok swallowed. 

"That would be useful in my team"
Suga whispered.

"What? What I have to give you?"

Suga smiled in the darkness of his room.

"I want you to do whatever I want. Give me your Soul, Hoseok"

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