6 - NamJoon

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6 - Namjoon

The last member who joined the group was Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon was the smartest person in the USA. He was very intelligent, cultured, with the highest I.Q. in the country.

When he was very young, he became famous because of his cognitive abilities. Scientists kept studying his intelligence, admitting they never met a smarter kid.

His parents, however, never really congratulated him. He was very appreciated by a lot of people, principals and teachers from other schools continuously welcomed him to take part in their projects. Anyone kept exploiting him, just to become famous and well recognized, just to earn money. He didn't mind, his ego was very big already at a young age, he felt extremely superior compared to the other kids and every adult.

Anyway, he grew up being used by his parents to earn money. He was disgusted by them: they were so ignorant, all they cared about was money. 

Although he was selfish, he saw his little cousin being mistreated, just because she wasn't as intelligent as him. 
He really cared about her since she was very pure and loved him the way he was, not just because of his fame.

His parents started to mistreat Namjoon too. Soon, he became aware of how selfish and cruel his parents were. But he knew that he was so self-centred too, he only cared about himself first, his pride was the only thing that mattered, the only thing he protected.

But the thought of him being like his mother&father disgusted him. So, he left home as soon as he could, leaving his little cousin there with his family, forgetting quickly about her face. 

He came to South Korea, Ilsan, his native place.
His pride was so big that he was ashamed of remembering his family so he decided to forget about them and to forget about the younger cousin too.

Anyway, after some months in Korea, he already found a job, but it wasn't as pleasant as he wanted. He wanted more, he wanted to be respected. 

One day, at the office, his colleague, allowed himself to scold Namjoon because of a mistake he made. Namjoon became very very mad, he was red on his face because of that accident. He started screaming and was fired. 

He soon lost all of his money and wasn't able to find another job, since the voice of his violent behaviour was soon known by everyone.

He couldn't stand that anymore, his ego was hurt. He had to be perfect, superior, he couldn't bear the fact that Ilsan's inhabitants thought he wasn't good enough.
He was way much better than the others, he kept saying that.

After that period of time, he knew about Suga. He found out that his name was very famous and people hated and loved him.

He was curious about Suga, even though he was very proud, he needed to recover his superiority, so he decided to ask Suga a favour, in order to get back his pride. His plan was perfect.


"Nice to meet you, Mr Suga"
Namjoon greeted him. He was a bit nervous.

"Tell me, are you a foreigner?"
Suga's creepy deep voice scared Namjoon.

He coughed a little nervously.

"I'm from the USA. I need a favour, though..." Namjoon pronounced that words hardly since he was too proud to ask for help.

"I know what happened in Ilsan, I know everything." Suga giggled.

Namjoon was shocked, he couldn't imagine that the man already knew everything.

"But, anyway, do you have a family? I need to know you before giving you the thing you're here for"Suga continued.

Namjoon sighed,
"I don't have a family."His expression became angry while thinking about his stupid parents. "They are dead" concluded.

Suga sighed, then smiled.

"What do you want, Kim Namjoon?"

"I want my pride back. I want that the man in Ilsan who humiliated me dies"His heart was full of negativity, no one had to touch his beloved ego.

Suga laughed hysterically.

"We have a very self-centred man, right? You want to be perfect, you want to appear perfect"Suga got up from his armchair, picking a glass of wine.

"Yes, I'm an egoistic man" Namjoon giggled, he was happy the way he was.

"If you really want that man to die, then why don't you kill him by yourself?"
Suga used a serious tone.

The man was left speechless. 

"Do you wanna be superior, Namjoon?"Asked Suga.

The man nodded.

"Then give me your Soul, you will work for me"Suga drank the wine all of sudden.

Namjoon smiled. He was ready to be respected the way Suga was.

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