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TOMORROW'S PROBLEMS SHOULD BE LEFT TO TOMORROW'S ME. That was a philosophy she wanted to live by—to be spunky!—and something she firmly believed in. Her elder brother, Shin'ichi, was a nerd. A total nerd. He was always someone that planned ahead of time, and hated it when something sudden happened. He hated change. Her eldest brother, too, was not fond of change. He was a rather organized individual and enjoyed sorting things, whether it be by color (oh, Kenshin adored color-coding his medical notes; they were always so colorful and pretty!) or by alphabetical order.

But, she didn't like being organized. Being organized was for nerds like Shin'ichi, who liked doing math and algebra, or whatever "solve for x" means! Letting the universe decide what she should do today was waaay more entertaining than plotting shit out.

"My little scientist," a voice snapped her out of her stupor, eyes darting to meet a familiar face. "How are you today?"


Her mother.

"I'm oooookay!" She responded after a long pause, owlishly staring at the woman. [Name] kicked her legs back and forth on the kitchen's many stools littered around. "...Why are you asking?"

The woman smiled, softly patting her daughter's head, a subtle flinch coming from the girl. "Haha! No reason in particular, really. I'm glad to know that you're alright."

Mother was a tender, sensitive person. She never raised her voice—she never got mad—which was probably why her father fell in love with her in the first place. Father, too, was a compassionate individual. In both Kenshin and Shin'ichi's eyes, he was a hero; and although Shin'ichi would never admit it, he totally wanted to be cool like her father when he was older. Removing her hand, her mother chuckled, watching as the little girl spontaneously sprinted out of the kitchen.

[Name]'s smile dropped.

She hated this sweet behavior from her parents sometimes.

It was difficult to suppress that itch, the urge to disobey, to argue with her parents, or to defy her teachers at school. The same applied to her siblings! She tended to start arguments with them, especially Shin'ichi, but it just... didn't feel right. Why was she so angry all the time? Was she hungry? Tired? Upset?

Did she need to eat a Snickers or something..???

Though, it was beginning to interfere with her learning and school adjustments. Even as a prodigy, her teachers could clearly see that something was bothering her... and that was hell. Getting her teachers involved would lead to getting her parents involved, which then leads to getting even more things involved—which is BAD!! She just wanted to live in her own funky little headspace, and as the famous pirate once said, "If you don't take risks, you can't create a future!"

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