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"THE TRAIN'S NOT MOVING..." Komaru furrowed her eyebrows, her lips pressed into a firm line.

The girls were in an abandoned, underground subway system. The area was dimly lit, and shadows were cast everywhere they went; not just that, but it was so quiet, that you could hear a pin drop. You might even hear a feather fall if something like that was possible. Her hand brushed against the inanimate subway car, letting a sigh fall from her lips.

"Yes, but we already knew that..."

Komaru turned to face Toko, softly shaking her head. "I know, but... To see it in person, all stopped like this—it makes me kind of down, is all."

Toko scoffed, "Jeez, are you really going to get depressed over every little thing?"

"...Yeah, you're right. We should just— walk along the railway. Then we'll be safe, right?"

"L—Like I said earlier, we can't know that for sure... Believing a lie so strongly just makes the truth that much more painful. Pop idols aren't virgins, lottery numbers are fixed; this world is much easier if you look at it rationally."

"I think you might have gone a bit off-topic there..." Komaru gave her a sheepish smile, turning to the dark abyss of the subway station. "For now, there's no other option than to try, right?"

"You're... right."

"...Something wrong, Toko? Are you worried about something?"

"Huh? N—No, not really. I—It's nothing. Didn't I tell you I was afraid of the dark?"

Komaru frowned. "Is that... all? There's something else bugging you, isn't there? Listen—if you have a bad feeling about this, or you can sense some kind of danger—"

"What? Do you think I'm some kind of psychic danger detector or something?"

Toko went on forward, walking ahead of Komaru. "If we're gonna do this, let's hurry up and do it now. We'll have time to think later. The both of us."

Though confused, Komaru quickly caught up behind Toko. Toko remained silent for the most part on their way throughout the railway, making the occasional retort under her breath about the dark. It didn't help that there were Monokuma Units in this seemingly abandoned place, either. Of course, with the gun Byakuya gave her, and Toko by her side, it wasn't that difficult to defeat them.

Toko felt distant; but, she always was. Nevertheless, Komaru considered her a helpful companion and someone she could trust in this ruined city.

However, it also didn't help when something fell on her head, only to realize that the tunnel was collapsing at the seams.

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