With that, she stormed out of the room before he could say another word. After a minute, he looked back at the small child in his arms. He didn't want to leave the little one alone, so he decided that he would try to care of them.

Flashback End:

He sighed softly and looked at the clock to see it displaying 05:54. He had to train his men in about in hour and got up to get ready. He tiredly walked to the refresher and splashed some cold water on his face to wake himself up. It worked but he knew it wouldn't last long. He walked out to see you still sleeping soundly on the bed and smiled faintly. He ever so slowly put on his armor, checking on you once in awhile. He put on the last piece of his armor and grabbed his helmet before walking out. He exited his office and went to the training room to prepare for his troops. Once he arrived, he started to lay out mats for sparring practice. He finished fairly quick and sat on a nearby bench. Setting down his helmet, he yawned and stretched a bit then relaxed himself. He let his heavy eyelids close and he fell into a dreamless slumber.

<One hour later>

Fives, Echo, and the rest of the 501st were on their way to the training room for some sparring practice.

"Who do you think your sparring partner is going to be?" Echo asked Fives.

"I don't know, it's a new one everytime and I don't like to guess." Fives replied.

They stopped talking as they approached the training room door. They were about three minutes late and their captain doesn't take too kindly to being late. They walked in expecting to see an angry captain but became confused when they didn't. Echo looked around the room and saw Rex asleep on a nearby bench.

"Guys, he's over there." He whispered and gestured to their captain.

The rest looked to where he was pointing and saw their captain asleep on a bench. Some of them laughed quietly while the others whispered amongst themselves. Fives and Echo agreed to bringing Rex back to his office. They walked over to him and carefully stood him up, trying not to disturb his sleep. Before they left the room, Fives grabbed Rex's helmet and went to help Echo. They took slow steps out of the room and down the hallway down to his office. Echo typed in the code and the door opened with a low hiss. The two troopers brought him in and carefully laid Rex down on the sofa provided. Fives set the helmet down on the table and quietly left the room with Echo in tow. They were confused about their sleepy captain but thankful that training wouldn't happen today.

<Three hours later>

Rex opened his eyes but quickly closed them upon seeing a bright light. He sat up and rubbed his eyes as his vision became blurry for a moment. His vision cleared for him to see that he was back in his office.

"How did I....oh no." He mumbled, doing a facepalm.

One of his men must've brought him here when he fell asleep. Thinking for a minute, he almost forgot about you and rushed to his room. He burst the door opened only to see that you were still asleep. He sighed in relief and walked over to the bed, sitting next to you. He smiled the second time that day at the sight of you. He doesn't know how but he smiles everytime when he sees you. He was still trying to comprehend how the little one on his bed was his child. He didn't think he would make such a beautiful baby.

'I'm blessed to have you.' He thought.

How was he going to tell this to the others? Will they not like the idea of him being a father? His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door.

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