Korazu Shedget Spinner EP.55- Let's Go!

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Talc was on the ground. All were shocked. Talc gets up calm.

Keto: I think Sea is safe.

Nick: brownie is safe? How?

Talc glares at Sea. Sea gets scared.

Talc: gr... Take this!

Talc picks a big stone from the ground. Sea gets more scared and he starts running.

Talc: get buried!!!!

Talc throws the stone at Sea who was in front of the machine, Sea avoids the stone by running, the stone hits the machine's head. The machine head breaks and stops working. All look at the machine.

Keto: huh? They broke that!?!

Cobra: was it... That easy?!?

Nick: how is that possible?!?

Dyra: hm? What the **** was that?

Sea: a toy? Who was playing?

Talc turns at Sea, Furious.

Sea: oh no... Who is he? I didn't knew his behaviour.

Dyra: kid, you have pushed Team Violet Fang's red headed guy. Now you are going to get smashed on the ground.

Talc comes to Sea.

Talc: I will dig your grave.

Sea: no... I'm so sorry!!

Talc glares at Sea.

Cobra: wait Talc, don't do anything to him.

Talc turns at Cobra, calm.

Cobra: they are not our main enemies, our enemies are... I think in this forest but little far....

Other side.

Virgo: silicon 3.... Stopped. I think someone broke it!

Eon: what!?!

Virgo: NO!!!!

Eon: now what?

Husky: just wait there, little pups.

Virgo and Eon turn behind and see Husky, Blaze and Tyson.

Virgo: huh? Who are you three?

Tyson: we? We are the destroyer of your plans.

Eon: what!?!

Tyson holds Virgo's upper arm and Husky keeps his hand on Eon's shoulder.

Virgo: leave my hand!

Tyson: are you trying to get freed from my hold? It's really too difficult, so don't ever try.

Husky: who are you guys? And what's your plan to do to this forest?

All the others reach there.

Sea: hey Husky!

Husky: huh? You all got us?

Nick: hey Tyson, who's that guy whose hand you are holding?

Tyson: huh?

Tyson looks at Virgo.

Tyson: he?

They push Virgo and Eon on the ground.

Husky: what's the plan?

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