Korazu shedget Spinner EP 39- Here's The Second Heaven!

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Keto was lying on the ground. He opens his eyes.

Keto: (tired voice) aww, good morning friends....

Keto opens his eyes properly. Then looks at the place.

Keto: huh? What's this place?!?

Keto gets up quickly.

Keto: where have I reached?

Keto looks around, he sees Cobra lying on the ground.

Keto: huh? Kingfish?

Keto moves Cobra to wake him up. Cobra gets up quickly.

Cobra: huh? Humph! Why'd you touch me?!?

Keto: to wake you up.

Cobra: couldn't you say my name!?!

Keto: that... I don't know your name.

Cobra: good job. Humph!

Cobra gets up.

Keto: let's find the right road, anyways we are lost here.

Cobra: oh really? (Glaring at Keto) I had thought that it's the garden of my house.

Keto: huh? What?

Cobra: humph!

They go. Keto sees a different metal type thing on the ground.

Keto: hey look at this thing!

Keto kneels on the ground to see the thing.

Keto: this looks like the blade of a Korazu.

Cobra: huh?

Cobra gets a stone off the soil by kicking it low, again and again.

Keto: what is this?

Cobra: *here's my shot*

Cobra kicks the stone hard but Keto was close, the stone hits Keto's head.

Keto: ow!

Cobra: *oops!*

Keto keeps his hand on his head where the stone had hit then turns behind.

Keto: Kingfish?

Cobra wasn't there.

Keto: huh? Kingfish?

Keto gets up then walks forward, he sees Cobra down who was bend looking at his feet where there were some thorns.

Keto: huh? What are you doing down there?

Cobra: I? I'm dancing down here. Why? Wanna join me?

Keto: uhh... No no.

Cobra: humph!

Keto: let's go.

They go. On the way, walking, they hear bird singing. Keto was copying the song by whistling.

Cobra: stop making that sound.

Keto: don't call it a sound, it's called whistling.

Cobra: if you try teaching me more than I'll separate your head from your body.

Keto: hey, that's scary.

Cobra: you will not even live to see yourself and get afraid.

Keto: then I'll scare you.

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