Korazu shedget Spinner EP. 17 - Cobra's battles

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Next day

Cobra: I have to train harder if I want to win the tournament.

Kolso: hey capybara!

Kolso comes to Cobra. Cobra glares at him.

Kolso: Capybara, what are you doing?

Cobra: I am not capybara.

Kolso: then?

Cobra: it's Cobra, you can call me King Cobra.

Kolso: so King Cobra. What are you doing?

Cobra: you have eyes that got rust.

Kolso: uh... Then it's.... What are you doing?

Cobra: Were you born with marbles instead of eyes?

Kolso: aww, don't say like that, it hurts me.

Cobra: ha!

Cobra goes.

Kolso: hey wait!

Cobra doesn't stops.

Kolso: meet me in the evening! We'll battle!

Cobra shows him his thumb up.

Kolso: okay then meet you later!

Kolso goes.

                        At home

Keto: aww, it's boring. (Yawn) what should I do now? Uhh... Let's go for training. Bye friends!

Keto goes

Husky: did he got a new friend?

                      In the park

There was crowd again.

Keto: is there a battle again?

Keto joins the crowd. The battle had already finished.

Lui: I will kill you later! I'll take revenge! Your eyes will fill with tears when you'll look at your Korien losing. After that, you will never show me your dirty, ugly face.

Cobra: so you've thought of the future. But this lecture will not help you in the future. Humph!

Cobra goes.

Lui: what? You called my talk lecture? I'll defeat you!!

Lui goes

Keto: huh?

Keto looks at Cobra.

Keto: hey boy! Battle me!

Cobra: not interested.

Keto: hey! Battle!!

Cobra: blockhead.

Keto: huh? He called me that again.

In an alley

Blaze: 3...2...1!!!

Blaze spins his Korazu.

Blaze: flammable fire flame golden fire Flamedragon!

Korien comes out of it's Korazu.

Blaze: Flamedragon, you've proved that you are a strong Korien.


A Korien bison lost its control and was running towards a tree.

Blaze: let's see how strong you are. Flamedragon, attack!

Flamedragon attacks the bison. Bison returns to it's Korazu.

Blaze: great job Korien. Come on now, let's hunt for shedget players like me again.

They go.

                 Finish Flashback

Blaze: great to hear that you've won nearly 40 battles in the last week. Hope you have understand what to do next. We have to be the winner of the tournament. Let's train more harder. We'll go to the park for training at 3 am. We are the champions of shedget battling. Let's prove it.

In the evening

Kolso was sitting on a bench in the park. Cobra comes to him

Kolso: I think you are late player.

Cobra: your watch is broken.

Kolso: ohh it is. Okay, let's start the battle. So 3....2....1!!

After some time

Keto was roaming the park. Husky and Sea comes to him.

Sea: hey Keto, how's your training?

Keto: good.

Husky: so where are we going now?

Keto: yeah, what to do now?

They see crowd again.

Keto: it's a battle again.

They join the crowd again, again the battle had already finished.

Kolso: so you've won the battle.

He extends his hand.

Kolso: congratulations!

Cobra stares his hand, then he looks at his face.

Cobra: humph! Just keep that word in your head.

Cobra goes.

Kolso: his attitude.

Keto: hey boy! Battle me!! Don't say "no".

Cobra: it's my mouth, I can say anything I want. Don't tell me what I want to say and what I don't. I don't want to battle you. Just go home and rest blockhead.

Cobra goes.

Keto: it was too much. Don't know what he thinks about who he is.

Husky: uhh.. what's the time? Let's go home.

Sea: yes, let's.

They goes home.

TV(Lizia): hello shedget players, Lizia's here to tell you something about the tournament. Yesterday I had told you all the names of the prize giver. Today we'll meet our two new tournament members. So here is someone who will give prizes too. He is Mr. Twig. And here is the main thing. Now there is someone who will take the announcer Mr. Dew's place. He is Mr. Benjamin! You all will meet them at the tournament. The tournament will be held on the next week. So be prepared.

Sea puts the TV OFF.

Husky: it's bad, someone's taking Mr. Dew's place. Mr. Benjamin. Bad name.

Sea: yeah.

Keto: oh no! Tournament is on the next week. I'm not ready for it. Let's train hard tomorrow.

Sea: yes. Now go to bed.

Keto: hm.

He keeps his Korazu on the table and goes.


Lucky: how was the episode? Sorry for the bad grammar!!!

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