Korazu shedget Spinner EP 44- Kitty!!

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They walk back home. They reach to a place, Blaze keeps that kitten on the ground. Kitten looks at Blaze.

Blaze: get home now, sweety.

They turn and walk. Sea turns behind.

Sea: hey, that trouble is following us.

They turn behind.

Husky: I think she likes us.

Keto picks that Kitten up.

Keto: can we take it with us?

Blaze: if she is following us then....

Husky: leave her here only.

Husky keeps that cat on a dividing wall.

Husky: good bye.

They go ahead.

Sea: the place is good.

Keto: yes.

They hear kitten meowing from behind. Sea turns behind, bored.

Sea: he's here again!

Husky: aww, she's good at following.

After some time

They walk ahead with that kitten. Husky was holding the kitten.

Husky: she's soft like a pillow!

Husky squeezes the Kitten that meows loudly.

Keto: hey!

Husky: oh sorry, I was lost in love with her.

Sea: love? With her? Ick.

Husky: don't you like cats?

Sea: I hate them! They are dirty and has hair fall!

Husky: you are dirty.

Sea: humph!

They reach a park. Sea sits on the bench, bored.

Blaze: I'm going for some battles.

Keto: I'm coming too!

Husky: I'm going to have some ice-cream.

Husky goes keeping the kitten on the bench.

Sea: argh, I'm bored.

Sea clicks pictures of the place.

Other side

Keto: with whom are we battling now?

Blaze: I got one.

There was a person next to a wall. Blaze goes and stands next to him.

Blaze: hey player, want to battle me?

Blaze looks at that boy with confidence. That boy looks at him.

James: I'm ready for the battle.

Blaze: (smile) great to hear the answer. Let's battle.

Keto was looking at Blaze.

Keto: how is he that confident for the battle?

Blaze: 3...

James: 2...

B&J: 1!!!

They spin their Korazus.

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