Korazu shedget Spinner EP 20- this Year's first tournament

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Husky and Sea come in the room, Keto was still sleeping.

Sea: today is the tournament, wake up sleepyhead!

Keto opens his eyes, he was still sleepy

Keto: what happened?

Husky: deaf, today is the first tournament.

Keto: what!

After some time

Keto: let's go now.

Sea: hm.

The three go.

In the tournament

Blaze: the place where I have to go is here.

Blaze stands in front of a room.

Blaze: Shedget Battle Room (SBR). Um... Let's go inside.

He goes in the room and spins his Korazu.

Blaze: Flammable fire flame golden fire Flamedragon.

Korien comes out of the Korazu.

Blaze: so, here, listen to me now. In the battles all you have to do is use all your simple moves, not the high fire moves. In this city, all are just weaklings. So don't worry, they won't harm you. We will be the winners.

In front of the place

Sea: we have reached here finally.

Keto: let's go inside.

Husky: hm.

They walk to the gate.

Person: here you go!

He gives a card to the three.

Person: your Check-in card is ready.

Person: your Check-in card is ready

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The three walk inside.

Person: show your Check-in card.

They give that Card to the person. He checks the cards then give the cards to the three.

Person: you are allowed in the tournament. All the best, be the winner.

Sea: thanks for wishing!

The three go

Husky: ready for the battles?

Keto: yes.

In the SBR

Blaze: let's roam out.

He goes out.

Blaze: I am ready to be the winner. Because... Haha! It's the tournament for strong shedget players, he will be coming here too. I'm waiting for him.

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