Korazu shedget Spinner EP 34- At The Platinum City!

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Keto opens the door of the room, there was someone inside covered with a blanket

Keto: *oh! There's someone!* (Calm) hey... May I get inside?

(Known voice): no, you can't. Just pack your bags and get back home.

Keto: get back home? As you say.

Keto turns behind.

Keto: eh? What?

Keto turns at the room again.

Keto: (calm) but mister.... That's the room whose number I got in my cheat.

(Known voice): is that so? Then get inside.

Keto: uhh... Okay.

Keto gets inside the room.

(Known voice): sit on the couch there.

Keto: uhh...

Keto sees the couch.

Keto: oh! There it is!

Keto sits on the couch.

Keto: so, can I ask you something?

(Known voice): what? Yes, you can.

Keto: uhh... Who are you?

(Known voice): I am?

That person takes the blanket off him, he was Husky.

Husky: here, Husky.

Keto: Husky?

Husky: yeah.

Keto: you had acted like a bad boy.

Husky: I'm a good artist, you know?

Keto: I know now.

Husky: come on guy, let's hang out.

Keto: uhh... But...

Husky holds Keto's hand and takes him with him.

Husky: just come!


Cobra: what a silly nature. Bored my eyes.

Cobra sees Husky and Keto coming. They both reach closer to Cobra. Husky looks at Cobra.

Husky: here, look at this guy. He's the guy who dropped us at the bus stop early.

Cobra: aren't you ashamed to say that again.

Husky: ashamed? Nah, never. I'm shameless.

Cobra: that's the truth.

Husky: humph!

Cobra: here's the one, blockhead.

Cobra comes to Keto.

Cobra: don't you know what to talk at some different places. You are just here to make fun of yourself. You all are simple clowns here and nothing.

Keto was looking at Cobra, Husky comes between them.

Husky: don't tell us what we are. You are not related to us, not also our friend.

Cobra: humph! Do as your mind says.

Cobra goes.

Husky: yeah yeah, we'll do what our mind says. We don't need your advice, mind your own business.

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