Korazu shedget Spinner EP. 15- New kid in the city

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Sea opens his eyes. They were all lying on the ground.

Sea: huh? Hey friends, get up!

Husky and Keto opens their eyes.

Keto: how we got here? And... Where is that boy?

Sea: is he missing?

Keto: and where is that dragon?

Husky: that boy and the dragon are missing.

Sea and Husky looks at each others face.

S&H: that means...

Keto: what?

Husky: you can't identify people.

Sea: He used you.

Keto: WHAT!?!

Sea: it's true. Come in now.

The trio walks into the house.

Next morning, in the backyard

Keto: Blaze used me for his need. I can't believe it.

Keto spins his Korazu.

Keto: roasting ice glacier snow frost freeze cool cold Walrus.

Korien comes out of the Korazu.

Keto: walrus good morning!

Walrus looks at him with smile on its face.

Keto: let's play a game in which there will be a race between us to that big tree.

Walrus looks at him surprised.

Keto: Whoever wins will get a prize. Okay? Ready......Get set.....Go!!

They both run towards that tree.

Keto: *I will win now, my walrus has no feet so it has to drag it's whole body to move ahead, hahahaha!*

Suddenly the ground under Keto's feet gets covered with shiny ice that makes Keto slip and fall.

Keto: aw!!

Walrus wins the race.

Keto: huh? You've won the race? It's cheating!

Walrus looks at him with smile.

Keto: what happened? Want the gift? I don't have a gift to give you.

Walrus angrily looks at him.

Keto: hehe, bye walrus!

Keto runs away but walrus stops him by using an attack in which ice thorns surrounds Keto.

Keto: huh? Now what?

Walrus comes to him. hehehe. (Keto looks at walrus with smile but walrus was still angry) what happened?

In the house

Sea: Keto went for but still he's not come.
Husky: anyway, we know that he will not go to that boy again.

From the backyard

Keto: aaaa!!

In the house

Sea: it was Keto's voice right?
Husky: yeah, let's go see what happened to him. (They goes)

                In the backyard

walrus was attacking Keto who was running from here to their avoiding the attacks.

Sea: huh? What's happening?

Keto: please let me go! I will give you a gift.

Walrus stops attacking, Keto stops.

Keto: the gift is... 

Keto cleans his Korazu with his handkerchief.

Keto: I have cleaned your home now.

Walrus smiles then returns to it's Korazu.

Keto: phew!

Sea: what happened Keto? Why it attacked you?

Keto: nothing happened, just a joke was going to kill me.

Sea: hehe. Keto, at the evening we'll go to the park and train our Koriens.

Keto: okay.

At the evening

They go in the park.

Keto: wow! There are many shedget players here!

Husky: yeah, let's challenge someone.

Keto: great, let's go.

                      In the park

Sea: so what are we doing now? No one is ready to battle us.

A boy comes there.

Sea: hey you! Want to battle?

That boy turns behind, he was Zero.

Sea: huh? Zero?

Zero: don't battle me, I am zero.

Sea: huh? What's wrong with you?

Zero: do you know? There's a boy who met me yesterday here. He battled me then defeated me in a minute. He is very good at battles.

Sea: who is he?

Zero: that.. that.. hey! He's there!

There was crowd gathered in a circle. Light was coming from the between.

Zero: okay, I'm leaving.

Zero goes.

Sea: there's a battle. Let's watch.

They goes to the crowd but it was late. Someone was already won between tht two Shedget players.

Sea: are we late for the battle?

Willy: Oh no I am defeated! Gr, I'll defeat you the next time we meet.

Cobra: don't dream while you are not sleeping.

Willy: I will defeat you!!

He goes from the crowd. Cobra goes too.

Keto: hey you, I want to battle you!

Cobra uses a sign.

Keto: huh? What was that?

Cobra: you are not enough smart to know my signs you blockhead.

Keto: Gr, wait!

Cobra goes.

Keto: Gr.

Husky: leave that boy, we came here to train our Koriens.

Sea: don't think of him.

Husky: hey Sea look there's Rick. Let's challenge him for a battle.

Sea: no, he's a talkative.

Husky: hehe.

Keto: friends, you had said you know everyone here. Then tell me who was that boy in the battle?

Sea: that... We don't know him.

Husky: I think he's not from here.

Keto: huh? (Sign) let's go home.

They go.


Lucky: how was the episode?

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