Korazu Shedget Spinner EP 54- Show your real powers!!

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They see a blast little far from the place.

Cobra: did you guys did this one too?

Tyson: "too"? When did we first used that blast attack?

Cobra: huh? You all had done a blast attack at the road up there, didn't you all?

Dyra: no.

Cobra: WHAT?!? Then who had done that!?!

A small thing falls in the bushes next to them.

Husky: huh? What was that?

The bushes blast.

Husky: oh, that was loud.

A long thing falls in the middle of the teams too.

Keto: huh? Something like that?

Tyson: looks like a firework...

They all see that a thread like thing up on the long thing was burning.

Dyra: huh? No! It's going to explode!!

Both the teams quickly run away from the place. The long thing blasts with a big sound.

Sea: thanks to Dyra. We are safe now.

More long things fall at them.

Husky: we aren't safe!

All: aaah!!!

They all raise their speed of running and finally reach to some other places.

Keto: phew! We are safe. I think a stone pierced me in my shoe.

Keto looks at the people with him, they were Cobra and Nick.

Keto: huh? *Where are the others!?!*

Cobra: nobody is here... except for us two, right?

Nick: there's Kitto, Cobra.

Cobra: Kitto? You mean....

Cobra looks at Keto.

Cobra: ...Keto? Keto why are you always following me!?!

Keto: huh? I didn't follow you, this all happened in hurry.

Cobra: hah, it's okay for now. Anyways, this time I have one of my team members with me too.

Keto: uhh... Bad to hear that....

Other side.

Sea stops at a place and holds the hand of the people behind him.

Sea: we are safe! Keto and Husky, got you!

Dyra: Kitto and Husky? We don't seem to look like one of them..

Talc: I too have a different face.

Sea: what!?!

Sea turns behind and sees Dyra and Talc.

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