Korazu Shedget Spinner EP 52- Out In The Fresh Air Again.

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Half an hour ago

Keto caresses his hair.

Keto: *after many days I'm going out in the fresh air. Hope, I find my friends and hear the truth.*

Keto looks out from the window, Talc comes there.

Talc: hey you.

Keto looks at Talc.

Talc: have breakfast.

Keto: hm.

Keto goes to the dining table which was filled with food.

Keto: *oh that's great, my mouth is watering!*

Keto looks at Tyson who was next to the table.

Keto: is it all safe?

Tyson: did we ever put poison in the food left for you?

Keto: huh? I don't know.

Talc: have breakfast now you kid Kitto, or it will get spoilt.

Keto: uhh, okay.

Keto sits on the chair.

Keto: don't you four want to have?

Talc: we had already. You have now.

Keto looks at them.

Tyson: huh? Can't wait.... Can you give that pastry to me.

Keto: huh? You want it? Just take it.

Tyson: yay!

Tyson takes the pastry plate and runs away.

Dyra: my stomach is filled too but not my wishes!

Dyra takes the doughnuts and Talc takes the cookies and then they both run away. Keto smiles then he sees Nick alone.

Nick: argh, those fat pigs.... I will complain their behaviours to Boss.

Nick walks then he reaches to the door, he stops then turns to Keto.

Nick: hey, is there an apple for me?

Keto: uhh... Yes.

Nick: give it to me!

Keto throws an apple to Nick, Nick catches the apple.

Nick: yay! Thanks Kid!!

Nick turns and sees those three guys at the door.

Nick: huh?

Tyson: aww, Nick, who is a fat rhinoceros now?

Nick: huh? I was just kidding! Let's go out!

They all go.

Keto: phew! They are gone.

After 30 minutes.

Keto reaches out, there was Cobra outside, sitting on a bench.

Keto: huh? C- Cobra?

Cobra: so, are you ready now?

Keto: yes.

Cobra gets up and gives Keto his Korazu.

Keto: hm?

Cobra: anyways, I think you took too long to get here.

Keto: uhh... Yes, I know...

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