Korazu shedget spinner Ep. 9- Keto's first diary

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the next day

Husky: today we'll go to roam, do you know Keto where?

Keto: no.

Husky: to the shop line!

Sea: let's go then.

They walks out.

Scene 2

Blaze comes out of his room.

Blaze: it's a great day.

Cloud: hey dear, how are you doing?

Blaze: well, no time to talk to you. I am too busy today.

Cloud: Zukiro was missing you last night.

Blaze: let him miss me till his stomach fills.

Cloud: I am going to tell him this, okay dear?

Blaze: do whatever you want. I'm going to my work.

Cloud: for what work are you going?

Blaze: what's the need to tell you? I am going now.

Blaze walks away.

Cloud: too naughty.

Scene 3

In front of the shop line

Sea: so where are we going to go first?
Husky: what do you think Keto?

Keto: what if we go to the stationeries?

Husky: you are childish. Let's go there.

They goes to the stationeries.

Husky: what do you want Keto?

Keto: uh, I....

Keto's eyes goes on a diary which was shinning.

Keto's eyes goes on a diary which was shinning

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Husky: got something?

Keto: yes.

Sea: what?

Keto: that shiny diary.

H&S: a diary?

Keto: yes,

his eyes start shining.

Keto: ..a diary.
Husky: oh! Let it be. It's a great choice Keto.

They buys a diary for Keto.

Husky: take this Keto.

Husky gives that diary to Keto.
Keto: ohh

Keto's eyes start shining again.

Keto: my first diary!

Sea: first diary? Is it your first diary?

Keto: yes. My first diary.

Sea: it's great!

Husky: let's go to the other.

Keto: yes

Scene 4

Reez was sitting on a bench in the park.

Reez: aww it's boring sitting here all alone.

Someone hits her from behind.

Reez: aw! Who's there?

She turns back, there was no one behind.

Reez: huh?

She sees that Blaze was sitting next to her, reading a book.

Reez: you again? Why you hit me?

Blaze writes something on that book.

Reez: hey! Are you listening what I am saying?

Reez's eyes goes on the book.

Reez: huh? Hey! It's my book! Give it back!!

Reez tries to snatch her book but Blaze passes it to his other hand.

Reez: just give me!

Reez tries to snatch her book again from Blaze's hands but Blaze puts his hand up in which he was holding Reez's book. Reez's hand was not reaching there.

Reez: hey! Reez stands up.

Reez: now I will take my book back!

Blaze also stands up.

Reez: huh? Hey! You are taller than me!!

Blaze: so what? I am not of your age. I will not give you this book, do whatever you want.

Reez: Gr.

Reez starts jumping to take her book back but still she was not reaching to his hand.

Reez: give it to me!

Blaze: I will not.

Reez: hey!

Blaze slightly pushes her.

Blaze: go home you little kid and eat candies.

Reez: humph!

Reez turns back then walks straight.

Blaze: humph! Stupid girl.

Reez: Gr.

Reez comes to Blaze.

Reez: what's your problem? Why you keep disturbing me?

Blaze: ohh, so you are asking me my problem again.

Reez: answer fast!

Blaze: my problem?

Reez: yes, your.

Blaze: I have no problems. Why? Do you have problems?

Reez: yes. I want to hit you but I can't.

Blaze: you can, little girl.

Reez comes to hit him but he jumps to the other way.

Reez: hey!

Blaze: you cannot, stupid girl, catch this!

Blaze throws Reez's book to Reez.

Reez: Gr, huh?

Reez was not ready to catch her book, the book hits her face.

Reez: aw!

Blaze: hahaha!

Blaze goes from there.

Reez: I'll kill you tomorrow.

she walks away.


Lucky: how was the episode?? It was small too, haha! If you have any questions please let me know. I'll be happy answering it.

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