Korazu shedget Spinner EP. 14 - The arrival of the Dragon.

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                      Next morning

TV (Lizia): hello shedget players, I am here to tell you something interesting. So here is the first tournament of this year. This time the tournament has more changed. 1st- this time we are having three screens on top. The middle screen will be bigger than those next to it. The middle is for showing the battles, the two in the side are to show our shedget players. 2nd- a break will be there between all the rounds. 3rd- this time the places for shedget players will be 16 instead of 8.

Husky: really? It's great. There will be sixteen places, I'm so excited!

Sea: me too!

They both look at their side, Keto was sitting in the middle.

Sea: huh?

S&H: aaaa!!!

Sea: when did you came here?

Keto: I was here minutes ago. Anyway, just tell me, how this TV came here?

Sea: it was here.

TV (Lizia): the tournament will be held on which day and at what time I will tell you later shedget players.

Sea puts the TV OFF.

Sea: it's over.

Keto: tournament?

Husky: yeah, train hard Keto or you will lose the tournament.

Keto: I am leaving now!

Sea: where?

Keto: to train my Korien! (Keto goes)
Husky: but... (Sign) he's gone already.

                     In the park

Blaze was in the park, sitting on the bench. Keto comes to him.

Keto: hey friend, how's it going?

Blaze: hm.

Keto: *ohh, he didn't even noticed that I called him friend.*

Blaze: what's the news now?

Keto: tournament will be held on one day.

Blaze: yes... I know.

Keto: be quick. Call your Korien fast.

Blaze: why are you keep saying that that. Tournament is coming near. You have your Korien, go train your Korien and win the tournament.

Keto: please try again.

Blaze: don't think of me, be selfish.

Keto gets up.

Keto: okay then, don't try again. Give up. You are good for nothing. Sit on the bench with your hands in your pockets. Your Korien will come to you and sit with you till the sun goes down.

Blaze was looking at him.

Keto: *huh? No changes in him? Ohh*

Keto turns then walks home.

Blaze: "Korien will come and sit till the sun goes down?"

                          At home

Keto: hi friends!

Sea: hey Keto! Today we have trained a lot.

Husky: how much you have trained?

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