Korazu shedget Spinner EP 38- The Surrounding Of Thorns For The Second Heaven.

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Blaze and Keto were walking to the room.

Blaze: have you asked your team about me?

Keto: chill, they'll be happy seeing you in our team. They wanted you as our team member.

Blaze: are you serious?

Keto: yes.

They reach to the room. Keto opens the door.

Keto: hey team!

Sea: hi Keto!

Sea sees Blaze.

Sea: aww, Blaze, what are you doing here?

Sea comes to Blaze.

Sea: did you decided on becoming our team member? It would be good but.... You have a different team.

Keto: don't worry, he's our new team member.

Sea: that's too funny!!!

Keto: it wasn't a joke.

Husky: are you serious?

Keto: yes.

Sea: aww, is it real? Let's shake our hands with our new team member!

Husky: I'll be first!

They shake their hands with Blaze.

Keto: haha! It's good now! Oh! One member is missing.

They turn behind and see Cobra who was reading a book and had sat on the couch keeping his legs on the table.

Keto: there he is.

Blaze looks at Cobra.

Blaze: *I had forgotten about him, he's a member of this team.*

Cobra looks at Blaze.

Cobra: *Blaze? Is he this team's fifth member? It's great to work with idiots, Blaze.*

Blaze: *a strong Korien....* Huh?

Blaze looks at the others behind.

Blaze: your team is..... (Smile) good.

Keto: great!

Sea: yay! Our fifth team member!

Husky: so now our team is complete.

Blaze smiles.

Husky: your smile is good, keep smiling dear Blaze.

Blaze: is that true?

Husky: (smile) yes, it's true.

Blaze: thanks!!

Sea: do you like reading books Blaze?

Blaze: yes, if they are interesting.

Sea: oh! You are funny.

Blaze: hm.

Husky: and... You are strong too.

Husky looks at Cobra.

Husky: yes.... Stronger than that blue cicada.

Cobra gets disturb hearing the words, Cobra gets up then keeps the book on the table which he was reading.

Cobra: argh, it's useless staying here.

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