Chapter 27

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ahhhhhhhh I'm still alive! Heads up, this chapter has spicy shit 💀

I've been spending a lot of time with my partner and at my new job :// short chapter but sweet.

October 23rd 1995

Heather Chandlers POV.
I'm not doing that. I say strictly.

"Come on! Please!" Veronica gives me her classic sad puppy eyes...

I am NOT gonna dress up as a pirate for Halloween...I chuckle.

"Awe come on! It just makes sense!" She insists.

You're NOT funny....I say despite laughing.

"You're gonna wear something slutty arent you?" She asks.

When have I ever dressed in a NORMAL costume after 4th grade? I tease.

"True." She nods and we walk down the next aisle.

Besides- I add. I bet you'll be DYING to undress me.

"Nuh uh." She tries to defend herself.

I give you 20 minutes on halloween before you wanna rip my clothes off. I say

She pouts. "I can and I WILL win this."

Fine. Rules are, you can't touch me sexually or in any way that is implying sexual actions. First person to make a move loses?

"I'm gonna win." She says confidently.

You tell yourself that. I smirk.

October 31st 1995
Veronica's POV.

I woke up early and went to buy shit to make me look as slutty as possible.

I managed to get out of campus this morning without Heather waking up which is good. So I was able to pick up some lingerie. We don't really dress up anymore. Halloween has always been kind of "see who can be more slutty" but I HAVE to win this bet.

I get back to our campus apartment and find Heather sleeping on the couch. I go and sit next to her and she groans.

"Bitch I'm tired."

Bitch it's Halloween and it's also 6:30 we have that party at 8:00.

"Shit. Alright alright. Get dressed in the office and on 3 we come out at the same time. Ready? GO!" She gets up and runs to the bedroom.

Moments later.

"One. Two.....THREE"

We both open the doors. Heathers jaw drops. I almost let mine drop too but I'm determined. She really thinks she's gonna win...and I want to win but holy shit.

Heather is wearing a VERY sexually provocative red piece with devil horns. That was our theme. Devil and angels....holy shit she's so hot.

Heather Chandlers POV.
Veronica steps out and up to me.

"Close your mouth, babe."

Shut it.

"Make meeeeeee um- eerrrr- I mean make UP! YOUR makeup!" She tries to cover up the rule she almost broke.

I was so dead set on the idea that I was gonna win....but looking at her....I just want to-

"Just want to what?" She asks.

I'm gonna.

"Gonna what?"

I'm gonna rip your costume off.

"Doesnt that mean I win?"

Yes. I say and then place my lips aggressively against hers.

She jumps so that I can pick her up and I carry her to the bedroom. I throw her into the bed and get on top of her. Without even making her wait, I quickly start thrusting my fingers in and out of her.

"M-more!" She begs.

As you wish, angel. I say as I add another finger.

She nearly cries.

"You're mouth was hanging WIDE open." She tries to talk.

Yeah but it benefits you though. I smirk and then remove my fingers. She lets out a dissatisfied groan but is quickly pleased when I replace them with my tongue. I give her a devilish look as I look up at her. Her hands tangle into my hair and she throws her head back.

"F-FUCK I love it w-when you look at me like that"

"Faster faster faster!"

So I go faster.

"FUCK I'm gonna cum, Heather."

Do it. Cum for me, Ronnie. I demand. And she does.

Both Out of breath, We lay beside each other. We kiss again. And again. And again. Until finally, veronica pulls me into a hug and nuzzles her face in my neck. I wrap my arms around her bare skin. She starts humming a song from Les Mis. I hum along with her until she stopped. I assumed it was because she didn't know the rest. So I finished it. I start thinking. For a long time, I was barely living. I was existing. But not living. But recently, things have been getting better and I think about everything. California, the treehouse, JD, pride fest, prom....the hospital....the fights....the breaking up, making up, making out...the sexy outfits...mall trips....the sex. All it took was a poem...I don't just want to be her girlfriend anymore....I want more. So I do my best.
All it took was a poem
A poem to bring US to life
Veronica, I'd want nothing more
Than for you to be my...wife....
I say softly.

No response.


Still no response. I realize she's sleeping. I'm kind of relieved. I realized that maybe it's best we don't think about it yet....maybe I'm not ready. We have our whole lives ahead of us. So I think some more. High school fucking sucked. So did most of college...but i also know that we wouldn't be in this bed right now if high school didn't go the way it may sound bad, but if I never allowed veronica into the clique, or found the 'anonymous' poems, or...if veronica hadn't been on that bridge that day....If I had let her leave that night....we wouldn't be think I almost tossed that folded paper....If I had, we wouldn't have had any of the memories we made. The laughter, the crying, the tough conversations, late night walks, talking about our future, children, getting married one day...when I'm ready...because again, I'm not sure I'm ready...thank god I unfolded that paper... It's hard to believe that all it took to get to where we were...was a simple poem. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I suddenly feel Veronica's arms wrap around me. She stirs a little and then she softly whispers,
"What?" She asks. I thought it was because she didn't hear me. Nothing. I love you. Goodnight.
She looks up and my heart beats faster.
All it took was a poem to get us here.
All it took was HER to help me realize I'm ready. Because after I said goodnight, she hugged me tight, and whispered,

"Yes. That's all I want. I love you."

A Poem [ChanSaw]Where stories live. Discover now