Chapter 5

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December 31st 1988
Heather Chandlers POV
I'm in my car driving to pick up Veronica and the others. Heather has us going to some stupid New Years Festival downtown. Cheesy shit like Ferris Wheels and impossible to beat games. Mac is going with Kurt. I'm pissed about that. So I packed my blade and I pick up Kurt first. He gets in the car and stares at me.

Don't hurt her. I'll fucking kill you. I say. The drive is silent.

I pick up Ronnie and the others and we make our way downtown. The drive is less awkward with Mac in the car.

"Mac. Stop. You're so bad at singing oh my god!" Duke laughs. We laugh and sing along to a song on the radio. Downtown is just an hour or so away from our neighborhood but traffic sucks. That meant we had to leave early to get there on time.

Once we get there, Mac gets on Kurt's shoulders. I shoot him a look and He looks at me with a terrified expression. I remember the switch blade situation and decide to cut him some slack. A small but fake smile grows across my face. They walk ahead of us and Veronica walks beside me.

"What are you smiling about?" Veronica asks.

You. I begin to smile for real.

"Gee, look who has a heart." She teases.

Hush. I say sarcastically.

Veronica laces her fingers with mine as we were walking. It begins to snow and we stop under a tree.

What are you doing? I whisper.

"They can't see us. It's okay." She smiles softly.

"You guys go. We'll catch up!" Veronica shouts as the others go ahead of us.

What's that all about? I ask.

"Before this place gets too packed I wanted to give you something!" She says excitedly.

"Close your eyes!" She orders.


She places something in my hands and tells me to open my eyes. I open them and look at the gorgeous bracelet. It's got a gold chain with a red charm.

Veronica, this had to be at LEAST $150. Why would you-

"Because I love you. And I know you hate these types of things because you act all too cool for school. So I figured I'd give you a little something to apologize for dragging you out here." She explains. Her logic warms my heart. I look around to make sure nobody is looking before placing a quick kiss on her lips.

Thank you, Sawyer. I love it. I smile. We catch up with the others who are ahead of us. When we reach them, they are standing next to this weird spinning thing. Veronica practically drags me to it.

Veronica's POV
You never go to things like this SO...I think it's only fair for you to do this with me! I say excitedly. My family and I go to this fest every year. When I was younger, my cousins made me go on and I was terrified. I soon came to love it. I was fascinated with the science of the gravitational pull that held you to the wall instead of flying out to meet your death.

"Alright, Sawyer. I'll go just let me take my jacket off. There's no way I'm gonna die with this on." She says.

Don't be so dramatic! Have some fun for once! Anyone else going? I ask.

"Hell no. I'm not about to do that shit" Duke yells.

Suit yourself. I smirk.

We walk in and quickly realize that we are the oldest people there. I guess nobody really rides this anymore.

About 2 minutes in, Heather is actually laughing. Something we don't see often. It makes me smile and laugh too. By the time it's over, my ribs hurt from laughing so hard. We get off and I jump on Heather's back, who is still a little dizzy. We fall to the ground and laugh some more. She gets up and manages to actually carry me on her back.

It's New Year's Eve and I've learned something about Heather. The almighty queen of westerburg, is terrified of heights. I'm sure of it. I convinced her to get on the Ferris wheel and she clung to me the entire time. We laughed as we saw Kurt AGGRESSIVELY shaking the entire thing from the seat below us. Duke was NOT pleased with this.
We get off and heather is back to being almighty again. We pass a few kids from the competing schools and they start chanting their schools motto. So we all yell back.
Everybody is laughing and having a good time. It's almost midnight.

Time pass
5 minutes to go! I stand there with our group and look at Heather. It's so loud and everybody is busy talking to each other so I look at Heather.

I love you. I smile. I know she can't say it back but she does squeeze my hand and smile. This makes me smile even wider.

There's 2 minutes to midnight and we're gathered around the large crowd screaming at the tops of their lungs. We watch as 2 minutes becomes 1 minute. One minute becomes 10 seconds. Everybody is yelling.
"10- 9- 8- 7- 6- 5"
10- 9- 8- 7- 6- 5- I stop counting and nearly cry at the words I just heard.

Heather Chandlers POV
Veronica looks at me and tells me she loves me. I squeeze her hand letting her know I heard her. She smiles and my heart melts. I'm so happy. Not just with her, but in general.

Everybody is counting down or screaming at the top of their lungs having a great time. I'm one of those people.

10- 9- 8- 7- 6- I stop. I lean over to Veronica's ear and whisper,

I love you.

She turns to me and immediately kisses me. I don't hesitate to kiss back. We are at the back of the crowd and everybody is either hugging or making out. so, I'm not worried about anybody from school seeing us. Even if they did, I wouldn't care. Because in this moment, it feels like the world is ours. After a few minutes veronica pulls away.

"I love you. I love you so much." She wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head against my chest as everyone takes the new year in around them.

I'm happy to see Veronica getting better. It took a poem and nearly killing Kurt kelly to get to where we are now.

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